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VA To Fund Psychedelic Research for Veterans’ Mental Health



Summary: The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is set to fund research studies exploring new therapies using psychedelic compounds for treating mental health conditions in veterans. This initiative aims to improve care for veterans by investigating the potential benefits of psychedelics in treating conditions like PTSD and depression.

VA’s New Initiative: Funding Psychedelic Research for Veterans’ Mental Health

In a significant move to enhance mental health care for veterans, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has announced its plans to fund research studies on psychedelic therapies. This initiative marks a pivotal moment in mental health treatment, as it explores the use of controlled psychedelic substances, such as MDMA and psilocybin, in conjunction with psychotherapy to treat conditions like post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression among veterans.

The research will be conducted in collaboration with academic institutions and will adhere to strict safety protocols, requiring regulatory approvals from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Drug Enforcement Administration. The FDA has already recognized the potential of these compounds, granting them breakthrough therapy status for treating PTSD and depression.

This decision by the VA follows a comprehensive review of current scientific evidence on psychedelic-assisted therapies. The review, conducted by VA and federal clinicians, scientists, and policymakers, concluded that there is a need for VA-funded studies to understand the efficacy of these treatments specifically for veterans.

Preliminary studies have shown promising results. Research from Johns Hopkins indicated that psilocybin therapy could alleviate depression symptoms for up to a year. Similarly, MDMA-assisted therapy has demonstrated significant benefits in treating PTSD. However, these studies included few or no veterans, highlighting the need for more targeted research.

The VA’s initiative aligns with the growing interest in alternative mental health treatments and responds to calls from veterans service organizations for more research into psychedelics. The National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal year 2024 has also authorized the Department of Defense to study psychedelics within military populations.

By funding these studies, the VA joins the National Institutes of Health in supporting research that could lead to new, effective treatments for mental health conditions prevalent among veterans. This initiative represents a hopeful step towards addressing the complex mental health challenges faced by those who have served the nation.

Why It Matters: The VA’s decision to fund research on psychedelic therapies is a significant development in the field of mental health care for veterans. It acknowledges the need for innovative and effective treatment options for conditions like PTSD and depression, which disproportionately affect veterans. This research has the potential to offer new insights and therapies that could greatly improve the quality of life for many veterans.

Potential Implications: The successful implementation of psychedelic-assisted therapies could lead to a paradigm shift in the treatment of mental health conditions, not only for veterans but also for the general population. It could pave the way for more holistic and effective approaches to mental health care, potentially reducing the reliance on traditional pharmaceutical treatments.

Source: Sierra Sun Times

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Can Depression Be Treated By CBD




There is an increased number of people diagnosed with depression, which may mean more people are open to be diagnosed and are seeking some form of treatment. Understanding depression is key. There are two general categories, situational and clinical. While similar, they are not the same. Medically, situational depression is an adjustment disorder with a depressed mood. It often resolves with time, and talking about the problem can ease recovery. Clinical depression, known medically as a “major depressive disorder,” can develop if the individual does not recover. This is a more severe mental health condition. Recognizing the differences between these types of depression is the first step toward getting help. Can depression be treated by CBD?

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If you are struggling with depression, talk to a mental health professional to develop a  treatment plan which might include CBD. Many people using CBD to treat a wide variety of health issues, including depression, anxiety, and stress relief. During the past few years, there has been growing popularity regarding CBD, or cannabidiol.

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CBD is one of the numerous substances isolated from hemp; however, the other primary substance is THC. THC stands for tetrahydrocannabinol and is responsible for the psychoactive effects of cannabis. Even though a lot of people believe CBD can get you high, this is not the case. CBD does not have any psychoactive effects.

Yes, CBD can be used to treat depression. Many prescription medications treat depression by altering levels of serotonin, which is a neurotransmitter in the brain that causes people to feel happy. There is some evidence that CBD can alter serotonin levels, making it an effective treatment for depression. Even though CBD can be helpful in certain cases, it also has the potential to interfere with other prescription medications. Therefore, if you are taking prescription medications for depression, you need to talk to your doctor ahead of time. This way, you can figure out if CBD will interact with anything you are taking. This could have an impact on the treatment plan.

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If you are trying to find CBD that can help you treat depression, you need to choose the right product. In particular, you need to pay attention to whether the product has any THC in it. If you take something with THC, you are going to feel psychoactive effects. Therefore, you need to make sure you do not operate heavy machinery. You should also think about how you want to consume CBD. Gummies tend to be very popular while some prefer to use substances which can be applied to the skin’s surface. Talk to a professional about the type of CBD product and dosage for treatment. This will allow it to be more effective.

Similar to other medical issues, depression can present in a variety of ways. Here are a few common symptoms of depression:

  • Issues falling asleep or staying asleep at night.
  • Changes in their eating habits, either eating significantly more or less.
  • Guilt about things that are not their fault.
  • Changes in an emotional state, leading to major mood swings including rapid mood swings ranging from happiness to sadness and anger.
  • Suicidal thoughts.

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Anyone who suffers from depression deserves to have access to a trained mental health professional who can help them address these concerns. If you are working with a mental health professional to develop a treatment plan for depression, CBD could be right for you.

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Ben Affleck

4 Ways Marijuana Can Help In A Messy Break Up




Breakups are tough and miserable – even if you are a celebrity.  But there are ways marijuana can help!

The buzz in the celebrity world is about the breakup of Beniffer – Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck. It has dominated the news, but it reflects everyone’s journey in relationships.  Almost everyone suffers a miserable breakup in their life. The ending of relationship doesn’t  always have a logical reason or comes in a methodical planned way, it is usually messy, emotional and draining for a while. And it can lay heavy on someone’s mind and heart. One bright note is there are 4 ways marijuana can help in a messy break up.

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Breakups can upend a life. Hurt, grief, and a sense of failure when a relationship ends is common. It often mean a big change in your daily routine, which can feel overwhelming and a constant reminder of the loss. Weight gain and lack of good sleep can also be part of the after effects.  But, in the right dose and intention, marijuana can help you through.

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The first way to help is with sleep, with 35-45% increased odds of insomnia symptoms this is key. A good night dozing can help with a tough day of change. So, it is critical to nip long term disruptions it in the bud. Research studies have shown, with the correct dosage, marijuana may have an overall positive effect on maintaining sleep.

The second way is to help with anxiety. Big change causes makes people anxious, the loss of a person you care about, sometimes identity gets wrapped up in the “we” of a relationship, causing a disruption on self perception. Time is the best way and most natural way to heal. But THC appears to decrease anxiety at lower doses. Work with a healthy professional to a figure out a plan to get you to a more positive place.

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The third is to reeducation of alcohol consumption. Drinking too much after a breakup is unfortunately common, as the feelings of control alcohol provides can feel euphoric for a short period. But both physical and mentally it is not good. Light marijuana usage can relax you and put you in a better state of mind without hangovers, drunk texting and more.

The last way is personal health.  While it is hard in the middle of a breakup to look ahead, marijuana can help you with looking good for the future.  While the myth is stoners are lazy, couch potatoes eating…cannabis can get you moving. Like dopamine, it allows us to feel a sense of pleasure and reward, which has the effect of motivating us. Consuming a sativa strain can help you get out of bed and move which could include a workout!

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Study Links Usage of Social Media to Teen Mental Health Issues




A recent study has found a correlation between increased social media use and a rise in teen mental health issues, particularly depression and anxiety. The findings raise concerns about the potential negative impact of social media on adolescent well-being and highlight the need for further research and intervention strategies.

Scrolling Through Sadness: Study Links Social Media to Increased Depression and Anxiety in Teens

The pervasive presence of social media in the lives of teenagers has long been a source of concern for parents, educators, and mental health professionals. A recent study published in the journal Clinical Psychological Science has added to these concerns by providing further evidence of a link between increased social media use and a rise in mental health issues among adolescents.

The research tracked a large cohort of teenagers over several years and discovered a significant association between the time spent on social media platforms and the development of symptoms related to depression and anxiety. Teenagers who reported higher levels of social media engagement were more likely to experience feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and worthlessness, along with increased social anxiety and fear of missing out (FOMO).

Researchers have proposed several mechanisms that might explain this association. These include social comparison, exposure to cyberbullying, and the viewing of unrealistic life portrayals on social media, which can lead to negative self-esteem, body image issues, and feelings of inadequacy. Additionally, the constant connectivity demanded by social media can result in sleep disturbances, social isolation, and a reduction in face-to-face interactions, all of which can exacerbate mental health problems.

Interestingly, the study also noted gender differences in how social media impacts mental health, with teenage girls appearing more vulnerable to the negative effects of social media, potentially due to greater pressures around appearance and social status.

Why It Matters

Adolescence is a critical period for social, emotional, and cognitive development. The increasing prevalence of mental health issues among teenagers poses a significant public health challenge. Understanding the factors contributing to this trend is crucial for developing effective prevention and intervention strategies. The findings of this study underscore the importance of raising awareness about the potential risks associated with excessive social media use and the promotion of healthy online habits among young people.

The impact of social media on mental health is a multifaceted issue with various contributing factors. Individual personality traits, coping mechanisms, and social support systems also play significant roles in determining one’s vulnerability to mental health challenges. It’s important to avoid overgeneralization and recognize that not all teenagers experience negative consequences from social media use. However, the study’s findings emphasize the need for increased awareness and proactive measures to safeguard the well-being of young people in the digital age.

Potential Implications

This research highlights the need for a comprehensive approach to address the impact of social media on teen mental health. Educational programs that foster digital literacy and critical thinking can help teenagers navigate the complexities of the online world more effectively. It is also essential for parents, educators, and mental health professionals to maintain open lines of communication to identify and assist teenagers who are struggling with mental health challenges.

Moreover, there is a pressing need for social media companies to take responsibility for the influence of their platforms. They are called upon to create safer online environments and to implement strategies that reduce the potential harms associated with their use. This includes tackling issues like cyberbullying, promoting responsible content, and providing resources for users who experience mental health difficulties.

Source: News Medical

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