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What Amount of Drugs is Considered a Misdemeanor



What Amount of Drugs is Considered a Misdemeanor

Personal drug possession laws in the United States can vary from state to state and changes often so it is important to do research changing laws for your specific area. However, generally speaking, a small amount of drugs is considered misdemeanor charge in most states.


Depending on the state law and the drug in question, a personal amount of drugs can range from a few grams to a few ounces.


Key State Possession Limits


Delta Extrax

Let’s review the top states in the US to understand a but more what limits and penalties could exist:




In California, personal drug possession is a misdemeanor punishable by up to one year in jail and a fine of up to $1,000. For marijuana, possession of up to 28.5 grams is considered a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of up to $100. For controlled substances such as cocaine, heroin and methamphetamine, possession of less than a gram is considered a misdemeanor. In




Texas, possession of up to two ounces of marijuana is considered a misdemeanor. The penalty is a maximum fine of $2,000 and possible jail time up to 180 days. Possession of more than two ounces is considered a felony, punishable by up to two years in prison and a fine of up to $10,000.


Possession of controlled substances such as cocaine, heroin and methamphetamine is considered a felony, punishable by up to two years in prison and a fine of up to $10,000.




In Florida, possession of 20 grams or less of marijuana is considered a misdemeanor punishable by up to one year in jail and a fine of up to $1,000. Possession of more than 20 grams is considered a felony and punishable by up to five years in prison and a fine of up to $5,000.


Possession of a controlled substance such as cocaine, heroin and methamphetamine is considered a felony punishable by up to five years in prison and a fine of up to $5,000.


New York


In New York, possession of up to 25 grams of marijuana is considered a misdemeanor and punishable by up to three months in jail and a fine of up to $500. Possession of more than 25 grams is considered a felony, punishable by up to four years in prison and a fine of up to $15,000.


Possession of a controlled substance such as cocaine, heroin and methamphetamine is considered a felony punishable by up to seven years in prison and a fine of up to $30,000.


Changing Landscape


The landscape is ever changing. Since Canada and other countries have legalized marijuana, many states are starting to follow their approach and do the same. For example, Virginia announced back in 2021 that they would legalize marijuana in 2024. Back in 2017 there were bills to legalize cannabis in Illinois.


The political landscape of a specific state has a lot to do with it’s acceptance of legalization of drugs. Outside influences like a taxed police system and political demands from constituents can make any election an opportunity for change on these laws. Therefore it’s important to monitor this closely.




In summary, personal drug possession laws in the United States can vary from state to state, but generally constitute a misdemeanor charge for possession of a small amount of drugs. Depending on the state law and the drug in question, a personal amount of drugs can range from a few grams to a few ounces. Penalties for personal drug possession can range from a fine to jail time, depending on the state law and the amount of drugs in question. It is important to be aware of the state and federal laws when it comes to personal drug possession.

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California Gov. Signs Bill to Let Cannabis Cafes Serve Food & Host Live Music




California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) signed a bill on Tuesday to let cannabis cafes in California serve food and drink and host live performances, the San Francisco Chronicle reports. This comes one day after he vetoed a bill that would have allowed small cannabis growers to sell products directly to consumers.

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Star signs and cannabis strains: October 2024 horoscopes




Welcome to October, Stargazers! Jupiter, the most pumpkin-like planet, remains in retrograde throughout October, reminding us to slow down and focus on our growth. The spooky season requires patience as we navigate obstacles that pull us through the corn maze of life. By mid-month, Pluto goes direct in Capricorn, ushering a potent transformation in areas of power and control. This shift helps us shed old layers and embrace deeper truths, providing a sense of relief and renewed clarity in our personal and collective journeys, sweet as candy corn.

As the Sun enters Scorpio on October 23, intensity builds, attuning us to our inner world. Expect emotions to run high during the full moon in Aries on October 17—this fiery lunation stirs up passion, motivation, and a drive for independence. You may hear some howling at night, too. Channel this energy into creative projects or personal goals, without flying off the handle of your broomstick. A solid strain pairing will keep you centered as we battle our inner ghouls and goblins with calm and intention as Scorpio season looms on the horizon.

Your October horoscope



Happy Birthday, Libra! October is a pivotal month for Libra, beginning with a solar eclipse in your sign. This rare and powerful event harkens change in your personal life and appearance. It’s an ideal time for rethinking how you present yourself to the world via personal style and goals. The eclipse’s energy pulls you towards new version of yourself, one that better reflects your true aspirations and values.

As Pluto goes direct in Capricorn and your fourth house of home and family, you see decisions about your living situation or familial relationships with a new eye, fostering deeper connections or perhaps resolving longstanding issues. Jupiter continuing its retrograde in your sixth house of health and work, calls for reassessing your daily routines and work habits. 

The full moon in Aries illuminates your seventh house of partnerships, highlighting the dynamics within your close relationships. This lunar event is full of potential in business or personal relationships, putting your signature balance affinity to work. As the Sun moves into Scorpio, shifting focus to your second house of finances and self-worth, you’re encouraged to delve deeper into managing your resources wisely and boosting your financial security. This time calls for a strategic approach to both personal and material growth.

October strain: You’re off the charts this month Libra, firing on all house cylinders. October is all about finding balance in pursuit of a much-needed sense of stability, and Sugar Tarts is the perfect match for your vibe this month. With its sweet terps and relaxing effects, this strain will help you unwind and reflect while you build deeper connections in your relationships and focus on personal growth. As you embrace this peaceful and introspective energy, Sugar Tarts will keep you in harmony and open to new possibilities​.

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For Scorpio, October brings deep internal and external transformations. The Libra solar eclipse casts a shadow over your twelfth house, the realm of the subconscious, endings, and hidden matters. This stir ups the cauldron with secrets or unresolved issues, prompting some potion-making for past lingering in the background. Introspection and release set the stage for rebirth. The movement of Pluto in Capricorn revitalizes your third house of communication with direct and challenging dialogues. This shift might help you to speak more openly about changes you want to make, especially with siblings or close community members.

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Jupiter continues its retrograde journey through your fifth house of creativity, romance, and children, which might cause you to rethink what brings you joy and how you express your unique self. This introspective phase could reignite past hobbies or romantic feelings, blending wisdom from the past with your present experiences. The full moon in Aries illuminates your sixth house of health and work, bringing a critical turning point in your work-life balance and the routines that manage it.

This could manifest as a culmination of a work project or a shift in your health practices. As the Sun enters Scorpio later in the month, marking your solar return, a surge of personal power and clarity arrives. This is your season to shine, set personal goals, and assert your needs, embracing a new personal year with strength and confidence.

October strain: Scorpio, October is your time to embrace transformation and intense self-discovery. You always think big, but Runtz is here to help you navigate it with clarity. As Venus amplifies your desire for deep, meaningful connections, Runtz’s balanced, uplifting effects will keep you grounded while heightening your intuition. Digging into emotional truths or plotting your next big move both benefit from Runtz and its power to help you relax and focus while following your powerful instincts​.



Costumes and parties and vibe shifts abound for Sagittarius this month, starting with a Libra solar eclipse in your eleventh house of friendships and social networks. This celestial event might trigger changes in your social circle, engaging new community projects or social causes. Reconsider your long-term goals and the people who align with your vision, even if it means new alliances or the departure from comfortable groups. Pluto turning direct in Capricorn invigorates your second house of finances and self-worth, empowering you to take decisive steps towards securing your financial future and redefining what you value most in your life.

As Jupiter, your ruling planet, continues its retrograde journey through your fourth house of home and family, your personal foundations like home and family demand assessment. The full moon in Aries lights up your fifth house of romance and creativity, bringing passion and a climax to creative projects or romantic relationships. This lunar event gives you all the license to express yourself boldly and honor your need for joy and self-expression. With the Sun entering Scorpio and your twelfth house towards the end of the month, focus shifts towards introspection, spiritual growth, and preparation for renewal—tie up loose ends and clear the way for new beginnings!


Watch: Wiz Khalifa world record joint-smoking attempt

October strain: Hey Sagittarius! October is all about transformation and adventure for you—just like Dante’s Inferno strain. As you explore new horizons in love and career, this bold hybrid will fuel your drive with its creative energy and calming effects. Whether you need deep introspection or a little spontaneous fun, Dante’s Inferno is your perfect match for a month of personal growth and magnetic connections​.



October marks a period of significant personal and professional development for Capricorn. The Libra solar eclipse impacts your tenth house of career and public image, presenting new opportunities for your current path and professional goals. This could lead to a pivotal shift in your career trajectory that aligns more closely with your values. Pluto, your ruling planet, turns direct in your sign catalyzing a renewed sense of power and clarity. This movement enhances your personal transformation to assert your authority and make impactful decisions that reflect your true self.

Jupiter continues its retrograde in your third house of communication, prompting you to revisit conversations and ideas in language projects or strategies. This review process reaps deeper insights and improved communication tactics. The full moon in Aries illuminates your fourth house of home and family, bringing emotional matters to a head.

This lunar event underlines the need for balance between your professional and personal life. As the Sun enters Scorpio later in the month, your eleventh house of friendships and long-term goals comes into focus, encouraging you to connect with like-minded individuals. This is a time for networking and strengthening community ties to further your personal and professional objectives.

October strain: Hey Capricorn! October is all about deep transformation and focus, andSuperglue is your perfect companion for this reflective journey. As Pluto pushes you to rethink your path and organize your thoughts, the calming, sticky embrace of Superglue will help you stay grounded while enhancing your productivity. Whether you’re recharging solo or diving into an ambitious project, this strain complements the introspection and steady progress you’re making this month​.



Significant shifts and self-discovery lie ahead for Aquarius this month. The Libra solar eclipse falls in your ninth house of travel, higher learning, and philosophy, sparking a desire for expansion and new experiences. This eclipse could prompt a new course of study, a long-distance journey, or sharing your ideas to a wider audience. Time for growth that challenges your previous perceptions and encourages embracing new perspectives as Pluto turns direct in Capricorn. Your twelfth house of secrets and the subconscious activates deep looks into your psyche for hidden issues or past traumas impacting your present.

As Jupiter continues its retrograde in your second house of finances and self-worth, reassessing your material resources and possibly revise your approach to money management becomes necessity. This period may highlight areas to improve or adjust to better support your long-term security. The full moon in Aries illuminates your third house of communication, bringing a project or idea to fruition or highlighting the need for assertive and clear communication in your relationships.

This lunar event encourages you to express your thoughts boldly and resolve any ongoing debates or discussions. As the Sun moves into Scorpio later in the month, intensifying your tenth house of career and public life follow the urge for recognition and impactful contributions to your field. This transit urges you to align your professional goals with your deeper passions and values.

October strain: Hey Aquarius! October is a month of transformation and introspection, and Rainmaker is the perfect strain to accompany you on this reflective journey. As Pluto pushes you to embrace change and shed old habits, the balanced effects of Rainmaker will spark your creativity while helping you stay grounded. Whether you’re navigating new career opportunities or recharging in solitude, this strain will keep you calm and focused.

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A Libra solar eclipse kicks October off for Pisces with a surge to your eighth house of intimacy, shared resources, and transformation. This eclipse may prompt changes in both shared finances and closest relationships. so keep a balanced approach to handling both the material and emotional aspects of these unions. Additionally, Pluto going direct in Capricorn impacts your eleventh house of friendships and future goals. You might experience a shift in your social circle or find renewed determination to pursue long-held dreams with a more strategic and empowered approach.

Jupiter continues its retrograde in your sign, urging a deep personal reflection about identity and life direction. This introspective period can be profoundly transformative, allowing you to realign your personal goals with your true self. The full moon in Aries lights up your second house of finances and self-worth, possibly bringing a financial matter to a head or prompting you to assert your needs in terms of resources and personal boundaries.

As the Sun enters Scorpio and your ninth house of travel, higher learning, and belief systems, your focus shifts towards expanding your horizons. This might involve exploring new educational paths, engaging with foreign cultures, or publishing your work. The latter part of October is about broadening your understanding and reaching for new experiences that foster growth and wisdom.

October strain: We know you love nostalgia Pisces. October brings deep emotions and the perfect cozy atmosphere for reflection with a strain like Fall ‘97. Just like the introspective energies surging this month, Fall ‘97 offers a balanced high that grounds you while sparking creativity—perfect for those moments when you’re reflecting on relationships or diving into a new project. Embrace the change with a calm, clear mind, and let this strain guide you through both your soulful and creative journeys​.



In October, Aries enters a whirlwind of cosmic activity, starting with a Libra solar eclipse. This event in your opposite sign illuminates relationships, prompting profound changes and revelations in your connections with others. As Pluto moves direct in Capricorn early in the month, scratch your independence itch and make transformative decisions, especially with career and public standing. This is a powerful time for Aries to step into leadership roles or initiate significant projects.

The latter half of the month revs up as Jupiter continues its retrograde motion, nudging you towards educational or travel plans you’ve put on ice. The full moon in Aries will shine a spotlight on your personal desires and accomplishments, fanning the flames of self-expression and urging you to assert your needs. As the Sun enters Scorpio, your focus shifts toward shared resources within your connections, challenging a balance in what you give and take in relationships. This period is about deep introspection and powerful emotional revelations, setting the stage for growth as intense as man into werewolf.

October strain: Aries, October’s all about embracing your inner creativity and making bold moves. There’s no time to go zombie mode, so the pungent aromas and zingy effects of GMO-OG are your perfect sidekick. This strain’s relaxing yet stimulating effects can help you chill out while sparking those big, innovative ideas ready to unleash from within. Whether you’re diving into personal growth or making waves at work, GMO-OG will keep you focused and grounded as you ride October’s energetic highs​.



For Taurus, October is a month of pivotal shifts and the internal reflection they require. The Libra solar eclipse at the beginning of the month casts its influence towards a reevaluation of your work-life balance through your sixth house of health and daily routines. This is an ideal time to initiate new health regimes or spruce up your work environment. The shift of Pluto going direct in Capricorn also provides the momentum for profound changes in your belief systems, thus catapulting you towards new educational or travel opportunities with a more grounded perspective.

The energy begins to bubble like cauldron as the month progresses, with Jupiter’s retrograde status calling for a review of finances and investments. This might require some financial recalibration, especially concerning debts or shared resources. The full moon in Aries mid-month highlights your twelfth house of closure and spirituality—time to let go of past burdens and embrace healing. The Sun enters Scorpio as the months draws to a close, shifting your center towards relationships.

This transit pushes you to deepen bonds and confront any underlying issues in partnerships. This period is like the balance of trick-or-treating, seeking balance between giving and receiving both emotionally and materially.

October strain: Hey Taurus, October is all about transformation, deep connection, and peeling back our layers to root out what holds us back. Banana Kush, thus, is exactly what you need to relax and recharge. As you work on building stronger bonds and embracing new opportunities, this sweet, mellow strain will help you unwind while keeping your mind clear for meaningful conversations. Whether you’re reflecting on personal growth or navigating career changes, Banana Kush’s tropical, calming vibe will keep you grounded throughout the month​.



October brings a mix of creative and contemplative energies for Gemini. The Libra solar eclipse affects your fifth house of creativity, romance, and children—just don’t try to lure any kids to your cottage with candy with the intent to eat them. You might feel inspired to start a creative project while changes swirl about in your bubbling romantic life. Meanwhile, Pluto turning direct in Capricorn facilitates a deeper understanding and communication in your relationships. This transformational energy helps you to speak your truth, potentially clearing the air in significant personal or business relationships.

As the month progresses, Jupiter continues its retrograde journey through your house of partnerships, encouraging you to reassess your expectations and agreements with others. The full moon in Aries illuminates your eleventh house of friendships and social circles, highlighting your need for freedom and independence. It’s okay to fly away from time to time to truly figure out who in your life supports your aspirations.

The Sun’s entry into Scorpio towards the end of the month shifts your focus to daily routines and health. Exorcize any poltergeists holding back your work-life balance and wellness habits. This period is about finding practical ways to implement the changes you’ve been contemplating.

October strain: Gemini, October is your time to set big plans in motion, and maybe going a little wild along the way. Your rich appetites get fed with Monkey Bread #1, a creamy, cocoa-tasting strain that liven the senses while keeping you focused. As you hone in on important decisions and personal growth, this strain’s uplifting effects will help spark those long-overdue projects. Whether you’re tackling home improvements or reflecting on life’s next steps, Monkey Bread #1 keeps you ready to take action​.



October offers a profound period of self-reflection and recalibration for Cancer, starting with the Libra solar eclipse impacting your fourth house of home and family. This celestial event may bring about unexpected changes regarding your living situation or family dynamics that appear as quickly as a bat flies out of a cave. It’s a powerful time to embrace new beginnings in these areas however you can. Additionally, with Pluto going direct in Capricorn, finances are on your side, particularly regarding investments, debts, or shared resources.

Jupiter continues its retrograde motion through your house of health and daily routines, pushing you to reassess your work habits and health routines. This period calls for a careful review to ensure your daily practices support your overall well-being. The full moon in Aries activates your tenth house of career and public image, spotlighting your professional achievements and possibly bringing a project or job role to fruition.

As the Sun shifts into Scorpio later in the month, your focus turns towards romance, creativity, and self-expression. This transition encourages deeper emotional connections and may inspire you to pursue or rejuvenate creative hobbies. October is a month to balance home life with professional ambitions, ensuring neither is neglected.

October strain: Hey Cancer, October is all about emotional highs, personal growth, and finding balance in your relationships—you’re ready to pop off. Ergo, Gastro Pop is the perfect companion for this transformative time. As you navigate through introspective moments and exciting career opportunities, this strain’s calming effects can help ground your energy while without sacrificing creativity. 



October promises a dynamic mix of professional and personal developments for Leo. The Libra solar eclipse impacts your third house of communication, ideas, and local travel. This means new learning opportunities or significant interactions with siblings or neighbors. This event could also prompt you to express your thoughts more openly, like a banshee, or embark on short, transformative journeys. Additionally, Pluto turning direct in Capricorn empowers your sixth house of health and work, providing a surge of energy to overhaul daily routines and work habits.

As Jupiter continues its retrograde path, it encourages introspection regarding your romantic life or creative projects. Turn this spark into re-evaluation of your pleasure sources and unique talents, possibly revisiting past hobbies or passions that were put aside. The full moon in Aries brings a new leaf to your ninth house of higher learning and travel.

With the Sun moving into Scorpio later in the month, attention turns toward your home and family life, urging you to tinker with connections with loved ones and perhaps address any underlying issues. This period is about balancing your thirst for knowledge and exploration with nurturing your roots and personal life.

October strain: We know you love to say yes, Leo, so say “sure” to Sherbanger as your October strain companion. With exciting social connections and career opportunities headed your way, Sherbanger’s uplifting and euphoric effects will keep you at the top of your game. Its creamy, fruity flavors don’t hurt, either. Whether you’re deepening relationships or chasing new goals, this strain’s balanced vibe will help you stay focused and charismatic all month long​.



October brings significant financial and personal revelations for Virgo, marked by a series of powerful cosmic events. The Libra solar eclipse illuminates your second house of finances and values, urging you to rethink income and financial strategies. This could lead to new professional beginnings stemming from a need for balance and fairness in your financial dealings. Pluto moving direct in Capricorn, pumping passion into your fifth house of creativity and romance. This could mean deepening relationships or reviving creative projects that are deeply meaningful to you.

Jupiter continues its retrograde motion through your fourth house of home and family, prompting a reconsideration of your living situation or family relationships. It’s a time for internal review, embracing adjustments at home can support your broader life goals. The full moon in Aries activates your eighth house of shared resources, intimacy, and transformation, bringing emotional and financial issues to a climax. 

As the Sun enters Scorpio later in the month, your focus shifts to communication, learning, and maybe a short trip. This period is about balancing the material with the emotional, ensuring you manage both for your overall growth and stability.

October strain: Virgo, October is all about introspection and strategic growth. You need to stay on top of life’s curveballs, and Capital Haze will keep you sharp while you plan your next move. As you navigate this month of self-reflection and career refinement the uplifting focus of Haze effects will keep you focused and energized. Whether you’re reassessing relationships or setting long-term goals, this strain keeps it clear and calm​.

Check out last month’s horoscopes.

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5 takeaways from The Alchemist & Alien Labs’ ‘Ted Talk’ in LA




By Shirley Ju

Music and cannabis go hand in hand… and this is what happens when two legendary figures in their respective industries conjoin.

On Wednesday, September 25th, Ted Lidie, founder of Alien Labs, hosted his exclusive “Ted Talk” series in Los Angeles, this time joined by The Alchemist, one of the most well-respected producers and DJs in the rap game. This is just one example of Lidie’s extensive rolodex of relationships.

Ted Lidie and Alchemist say high. (Courtesy Alien Labs)

For those who aren’t familiar, Alien Labs is a legacy cannabis brand not just known for high-quality products, but their innovative approach across all boards. Their motto is “You Are Not Alone,” driven by Lidie’s own personal experiences struggling with mental health and finding his footing in this thing called life. They’re also a lifestyle brand, with clothing found in stores like Zumiez and Hibbett.

a long olive and light green marijuana nug on its side with another behind it, against a white background
Alien Labs Planet Red (David Downs/Leafly Large

The Alchemist on the other hand, has been deemed one of the most influential producers, working with all the greats such as Eminem, Action Bronson, Freddie Gibbs, and more.

Taking place on the rooftop at E.P. & L.P. on La Cienega Blvd, tonight’s Ted Talk follows a string of successful events in major cities including Sacramento, San Diego, and San Jose, following it up with Arizona after Los Angeles. The evening featured live music, food, drinks, and of course, Alien Labs flower.

Here are five takeaways from the intimate conversation, which straddles the intersection of cannabis culture and music.

1. The Alchemist grew up in LA in the 90’s

Contrary to what people might think, The Alchemist grew up on the West Coast back in the 90’s, specifically the westside of Los Angeles. Because of his ties to East Coast Hip-Hop, a lot of people may assume he’s from that side of the country. 

“I have an older brother who’s a year and a half older, so I used to hang out with his crew,” Alchemist explained. “The westside of LA, it was a time. If you were around, you know weed wasn’t always around, so you had to know somebody who has something good. Sometimes it would be here, then you’d have to wait for it. It’s not here, you have to wait a month, then you’d have some bullshit. You’d wait ,and it’d show up. But I’m from that era, where you have to know somebody who knew somebody.”

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Alchemist actually grew up with fellow West Coast rapper Evidence, whom he met at The Troubadour. And because Evidence lived in Venice, they always had a neighbor or somebody they could get weed from. One day, Alchemist decided to trade his baseball card collection for a quarter pound of weed… and the rest was history.

2. The Alchemist prefers small spliffs & coffee all day

We all know coffee and cannabis compliment each other perfectly. Alchemist hilariously deems it the “poor man’s speedball.”

When asked how Alchemist likes to consume, he reveals he now prefers papers, but it all started with the bongs.

“I used to go to the studio, and bring the bong to the studio. People thought I was crazy.”

We all know how much Alchemist loves marijuana, as Lidie put it: “one of the real, rare smokers in the weed industry.” So how often is he really smoking? All day.

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“It depends on the day,” Alchemist stated. “If I’m in the studio doing music, I’m pretty much smoking all day. I drink coffee and smoke, it’s like the poor man’s speedball. The safe version. All day, and I start early. I get up fucking 7am. I do most of the beats early in the mornings.”

But he doesn’t smoke big joints, he rolls tiny personal spliffs. His friends calls them “mosquito legs,” and he smokes a great amount of them. 

3. The Alchemist got caught with weed in Germany & they took his blood

What started as an innocent story on how Alchemist was shook he couldn’t bring weed to Dubai, ended in a tragic story about how he got caught with weed in Germany.

“Got pulled over, we had some weed,” Alchemist recalled. “They had an issue. I went [to jail], paid a bunch of money. They took my blood, it was fucking crazy. A German doctor, just imagine. It was the worst possible scenario. I’m used to getting my blood taken from a doctor, so I’m like, ‘you’re gonna be nice right?’ He’s like, ‘haha yeah.” Fucking jammed that shit. Then it was “not enough!” The other arm. Two arms. A whole bunch of shit, paid 600 bucks.”

Alchemist also came with the jokes this evening. 


Germany just legalized cannabis. Mostly. Here’s what you need to know

“God bless, but now they have my fucking DNA in Germany. In a vile, they might be cloning me.”

Lidie had a similarly traumatic experience, getting a DUI in Reno and ending up in Nevada jail. They also drew his blood.

On a positive note, Alchemist did reflect on his current blessings, having connections in every country so he doesn’t have to worry about smuggling weed overseas anymore. 

4. The Alchemist’s favorite smoking memory is with Wesley Snipes

Alchemist recalls his favorite smoking memory being a kid at a Cypress Hill show and going on stage to hit the six foot bong. When asked who his favorite person to smoke with all time was, he answered: Wesley Snipes. 

The audience immediately clapped for that answer, as Alchemist followed up with the disclaimer: “he smokes!”

Lidie also had a GOATed answer, telling his story about chiefing with actor John C. Reilly (the other half of Step Brothers alongside Will Farrell).


Streaming for stoners: 9 new shows to watch high

5. The Alchemist read ‘The Alchemist’ after he named himself

A lot of fans may assume The Alchemist named himself after the iconic self-help book, The Alchemist. He clarified that he actually read the book after the fact, and fell in love like everyone else.

“Definitely read it afterwards, I was like ‘this shit is dope’’,” Alchemist explained. “I read it quick, that’s like a one night read. Anyone can relate to it. When I read it, damn this is crazy. Santiago and the whole journey, but anybody could relate to that book. Everyone loves it, it’s one of the top selling fucking books in the world.”

Similarly, Lidie explained why the Alien Labs name holds so much weight.

“I lived in San Francisco too, so I’d go to The Hemp Center,” Lidie states. “I’d get all the fire Girl Scout Cookies. When I started learning about that culture, all I really knew was that it didn’t represent me. Of course, I loved Hip-Hop. I was into urban culture, but I was also into anime and horror movies. Nerd shit, video games. When I went back and I started thinking about what I wanted out of a brand, the ‘alien’ term was really a double entendre for extraterrestrial life, but then outsider. That’s what we were.”

“Make friends and make a community, that is the reason we’re so successful.”

Ted Lidie, Alien Labs

How Lidie viewed himself in the cannabis community is parallel to The Alchemist’s uniqueness to the rap game.

“Anyone that was different and didn’t feel like they had a place in that culture at that time to gather, we nailed that,” Lidie continued. “All of you guys here that have love for Alien Labs, you like the same shit I like. That’s really what Alien Labs is, it’s the outsiders and people that don’t feel like they always belong.”

The Alien Labs’ tagline is “You are not alone, fueled by Lidie’s own journey with mental health and depression. This allowed him to create this brand for people to come together, celebrate the plant and celebrate each other.

“Make friends and make a community, that is the reason we’re so successful,” he concludes.

(Courtesy Alien Labs)

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