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What States in the US Have a Problem With Salvia?



Salvia divinorum enjoys a much looser legal structure than other hallucinogenic drugs. In fact, federally, the plant is perfectly legal. There are, however, several states in the US with some form of salvia legislation. Which states are they? And how exactly do they regulate this plant?

What is salvia?

Salvia divinorum is one of several species of the Lamiaceae mint family. You might be more familiar with its sister-species Salvia officinalis, and Salvia rosmarinus, which account for the kitchen spices sage and rosemary, respectively. Salvia divinorum differs from other forms of salvia in that it contains salvinorin A, which creates a psychoactive and hallucinogenic response.

Salvia is said to hail from the Sierra Mazateca cloud forests in Oaxaca, Mexico, though this is technically unconfirmed. Thought it loves the moist and shady growing conditions of that particular environment, it can be found in many different locations worldwide, including in the US.

The plant gets its name from the word ‘divination’, and translate to “diviner’s sage” or “seer’s sage.” It was used in the rituals of Mazatec shamans for centuries for spiritual healing and divination; because it brings on altered states of consciousness, and hallucinations. There are indigenous cultures that still use it this way today. It’s also an oneirgen drug, meaning it’s used to enhance dreams while sleeping for the purpose of divination.

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The plant has a place in medical traditions. Salvia is used in the treatment of diarrhea, anemia, headaches, rheumatism, as a diuretic, and for ‘swollen belly’, considered a semi-magical disease. These uses require much lower doses than what is used to bring on psychoactive effects.

Salvia isn’t the most well-known drug, but it is still one of the more well-known of the hallucinogenic drugs. One recent study found that about 5% of the population in the US had used the drug before. Many erroneously refer to it as a psychedelic, but while it shares some similarities in causing hallucinations and otherworldly experiences, it is not technically in this category of compounds. Salvinorin A, the main active compound, is a potent agonist at κ-opioid receptors (kappa), and doesn’t affect serotonin receptors like psychedelics do.

It is known to bring on feelings of connectedness, like psychedelics, as well as sedation; disorientation in space and time; issues with motor control; analgesia; loss of memory; delusions and depersonalization; difficulty with language; laughing fits; sensory, auditory, and visual hallucinations; feelings of spirituality; and near-death experiences (or, rather, the feeling of it). It also messes with how people feel gravity, and how they feel their own physical form.

Since it’s not classified with psychedelics, and wasn’t popular at the time that the government went ahead and illegalized other hallucinogens; salvia retains legality in terms of the federal government. It does as well in many states, though there are several that have placed some kind of restriction on it, in the last several years.

States where salvia is restricted

Not every piece of legislation equals a complete illegalization. And even those that do have illegalization measures, vary in the penalties for infractions. It is true that more and more states have added on these policies, despite the federal government making no such move. Much like with magic mushrooms and mescaline, in some places, a loophole is created where the plant and the active compound are regulated differently.

Prohibit sale to minors

In some states, the only prohibition is on the sale of a product to a minor. This includes California, Maine, and New York.  This is an interesting concept, of course, as there isn’t yet a sales market for the plant; however such a law comes into play when considering that the plant is federally legal, and a market can begin anywhere allowed.

Active compound in salvia
Active compound in salvia

What states have Schedule I for salvia?

Many states have proposed legislation here, but not all of it passed. Other states have put salvia in Schedule I of their controlled substances lists, although it can vary as to whether they include the whole plant, just the active compound, or both. The following have some form of a Schedule I ban: Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Connecticut, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.

That last one on the list, Wyoming, is also a great example of the salvia loophole, wherein one aspect is illegalized, while another is not. In Wyoming, the compound salvinorin A (apparently misspelled in the legislation) is the only thing listed, while the plant Salvia divinorum is not. This is also true in Wisconsin. This resembles both the mescaline loophole and the magic mushrooms loophole.

On the other hand, some states illegalized the plant, without naming the active compound itself, which makes one wonder what happens in the case of sales of salvinorin A extract. States that fit into this category include Delaware, Illinois, New York, and Louisiana, though Illinois does ban ‘extracts’ without mentioning salvinorin A. Plenty of states that passed legislation to ban the plant, did it this way, not mentioning the salvinorin A; and leaving gray area in terms of an extracts market.

States with lesser scheduling for salvia

Apart from barring the sale of a product to minors, some states instituted other policies that regulate either the plant or the active compound, but in a less severe way than Schedule I. As stated already, a couple states only bar the sale to minors, and do nothing else. Colorado holds salvia as a class B misdemeanor. Georgia simply regulates it as a ‘dangerous drug’, giving plenty of leeway as it is legal as a decorative plant. Of course, if you can have and grow it, not much to stop people from using it.

In Indiana, salvia is a Class A misdemeanor only, and in Minnesota its considered a Gross Misdemeanor. In New York, its prohibited for sale with a $500 fine max per incident, while in South Dakota, its either a Class 1 misdemeanor, or a Class 6 felony, depending on the amount (less than two ounces is a misdemeanor).

Tennessee regulates it as a Class D felony, but holds it legal for decorative use. As this includes possession, sale, and cultivation; it once again opens the door for use, even if use is technically illegal. In Texas its Penalty Group 3, but the legislation makes the stipulation that if its unharvested and growing in a natural state, then its okay. Rhode Island shows up in the Schedule I list, but in actuality, this only applies to ‘extracts’, and specifically doesn’t apply to the actual plant, so long as it is unaltered.

What states regulate salvia?
What states regulate salvia?

Other states, whether they tried to ban it or not, never did. These include: Alaska, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon, South Carolina, Utah, and Virginia. These states have absolutely no law against the plant, or the active compound in it, at least for now.

Things of note

None of these laws are actually recent from the last few years. Most happened between the years of 2007-2011, with just a few exceptions. This indicates that something happened around that time to introduce the plant to a wider audience in the US. Prior to this, its likely that no one was speaking about it at all. It’s quite possible that if it had become more popular at that time, that every state would have a ban.

There is nothing stopping the states that haven’t instituted a ban, from doing so, or for states with less strict policies, to adopt stricter ones. In a country where government doesn’t like industries it can’t control, it’s not weird to think this could and would happen. Salvia is similar right now to amanita mushrooms, which have even less restriction. They both share the quality of having not been around when similar drugs were illegalized last century.

What makes further banning less likely, is the changing climate toward psychedelics and hallucinogens in general. Colorado and Oregon have legalized some form of use, there are tons of decriminalization policies in individual locations, and more than 10 states have already announced psychedelics legislation in the works already this year. As most of these bills surround entheogenic plants, with new legislative measures opening it wider to include more plants, it makes the idea of illegalizing a plant now, not that popular an idea.

This doesn’t mean it can’t happen, of course. Governments are known to pass legal measures under the radar to avoid public scrutiny. But it also means that it might be more likely to have existing policies loosen, rather than to have more rigid ones introduced. We’ll have to wait and see.


Right now, salvia isn’t a real products industry, and its not spoken about as much as mushrooms, DMT, or synthetics like acid and MDMA. But one of the things we know in life, is that people like to get high, and they like to use plants to do it. With the ability for a market in many states, including ones with some – but not altogether limiting – legislation; it certainly seems like a salvia market, could be right around the corner.

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Best Tips For Outdoor Exercise In The Heat




Summer is the time to head outdoors and have fun.  Whether swimming, pickle ball, sports, gardening or maintaining your walk/run schedule…the weather is bright, the days are long and you aren’t bundled up in heavy coat. But sometimes the heat can make it daunting…and with more heat waves, you have to take some precautions.  Here are teh best tips for outdoor exercise in the heat.

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Common sense says be careful and avoid the hottest part of the day. Usually around 4 pm is when the heat peaks, so between 1-5 is the worst time.  You shouldn’t exercise with the same intensity and take frequent breaks, which is perfect if you are playing a sport or gardening.  Water is essential, so drink plenty of fluids. Dehydration is a key factor in heat illness. Fluids helps your body sweat and cool down by staying well-hydrated with water.  In fact, sweating can release endorphins in the brain which make people feel good.

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Manage your day, do activities in the early morning or late afternoon/evening.  According a study, during hot days, the best option is to run in the early morning. This is especially true in urban locations which have concrete buildings soak up the sun throughout the day and may make late in the day runs hotter than expected.

In order to acclimatize to the weather successfully, the process must be gradual. Head out for your run earlier than usual, with your water bottle, and complete your a shorter and gentler version of your workout. Check your heart rate and your level of heat and continue to do this until you feel like you’re feeling back to normal.

Are Short Workouts Better Than Long Ones? Here's What Experts Say
Photo by Jad Limcaco via Unsplash

In order to acclimatize to the weather successfully, the workout process should be gradual. Start your activities earlier than usual, with your water bottle, and complete your a shorter and gentler version of your sports/workout/ tournament. Consider a “warm up period” where you aren’t keeping score.

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An icy drink beforehand, like a slushie or a smoothie, might make your outdoor exercise more pleasant. According to researchers, you should aim to drink 16 ounces of cold fluid 20 minutes before you go out for your run or an activities sport.  Avoid alcohol until you are ready to cool down.

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While it doesn’t keep you from overheating, wearing sunscreen can help you prevent feeling the heat when you are done. You also want to dress in layers and nothing to tight to give your body a chance to breath.

If you are starting to feel nausea, dizziness or cramps, you could be overheating. Check your heart rate and your level of heat and continue until you feel like you’re feeling back to normal. If you have symptoms, stop the workout and seek shade and some tap water.  If possible, work out with a partner.

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Biden Administration

The Feds Have Until November To Help Veterans




Soldiers have returned with PTSD and other serious ailments. The AMA and science said medical marijuana can help – but time may be running out.

In an acknowledgement from the medical community, the American Medical Association supports the rescheduling of cannabis to a Schedule III because it has proven medical benefits. A portion of the medical benefits help soldiers returning from service with both physical and mental scars. Unfortunately, time may be running out to help.

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Both Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) did the research and agreed to the rescheduling. They are important organizations being clear it will help are military veterans. PTSD is real to the point of over 30,000 active duty personnel and veterans who have served in the military since 9/11 have committed suicide. That is the roughly the same amount of wiping out all of Fairbanks, Alaska.  More veterans committed suicide, almost 100,000, after Vietnam, than in the war (roughly 58,000). Opioid addiction, which medical marijuana can combat, is raging among veterans with PTSD and chronic pain. But leaders like Mike Johnson (R-LA) have worked hard to block help.

Photo by SDI Productions/Getty Images

While veteran facilities are federal property and therefore do not allow marijuana on premise, even in legal states, they have become supportive of medical marijuana. There have been significant treatment changes including:

  • Veterans will not be denied VA benefits because of marijuana use.
  • Veterans are encouraged to discuss marijuana use with their VA providers.
  • VA health care providers will record marijuana use in the Veteran’s VA medical record in order to have the information available in treatment planning. As with all clinical information, this is part of the confidential medical record and protected under patient privacy and confidentiality laws and regulations.

The clear case for medical marijuana has been proven by science, but with veterans, it is an important step to helping them in a return to civilian life. Representative Johnson has indicted with more control, marijuana could return to the outlaw status and the new GOP VP has stated he is not a fan of cannabis. The DEA must follow the recommendations and make a move quickly for this to happen and to help soldiers.

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Bipartisan congressional lawmakers are seeking to remove a controversial section of a Johnson approved spending bill which would block the Justice Department from rescheduling marijuana.

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Marijuana Can Bond Grandparents To Family




Like wine with dinner or a beer in the backyard, marijuana is becoming very common.

With almost 60% of adults drinking alcohol, it has been a staple of family events. Relatives including grandparents, cousins, adult grandkids and more have sat at a table and toasted with beer, wine or booze….and now cannabis may be in the mix.  As legalization has grown, cannabis is being embraced by more people and is popping at all sorts of family gatherings. And, it seems, marijuana can bond grandparents to family.

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In a third party survey sponsored by Sanctuary Wellness, some interesting data has given hope about intergenerational bonding. There are all sorts of concerns about boomers and Gen Z not relating, but marijuana like music is showing a positive trend. Nearly one in three have tried cannabis, far less than alcohol, but still a significant number.  In the survey, Millennials use the most followed closely by Gen X then Gen Z and finally Baby Boomers. And while a whopping 86% of Gen Z and Millennials support the legaization of weed…a full 71% of Baby Boomers do also.

Gen Z is slowly turning away from alcohol and feel they have way more stress than their grandparents.  Due to the embrace from the medical community, Boomers are starting to see cannabis as aid in dealing with chronic pain and sleep issues. The plant can be very effective without as many harsh side effects.

Once interesting factor in the survey is the use of gummies. Microdosing has become huge and Gen Z sees it as a way to manage anxiety.  With gummies, you see 76% use of Baby Boomers and 72% with Gen Z….far higher than Millennials and Gen X.

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For many Europeans, alcohol is a part of their culture and viewed as a social activity. In Italy for example, children are eased into drinking with a bit of wine at dinner. They’re taught from an early age that alcohol is something to drink casually and in moderation. Alcohol abuse is less coming in Italy and France due to the generation training.  Maybe marijuana, which has clear medical benefits, could be another thing which generations share to make for a better life.

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