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Boost Your Autoflowers with the Best Organic Fertilizers



Feeding and fertilizing your cannabis plant with the right nutrient is a requirement that cannot be overlooked. To a large extent, the harvest yield, and subsequently, your investment output depends on this requirement. One of the best ways to improve this yield is by fertilizing your cannabis plant. However, in cannabis cultivation, fertilizer application only has one primary purpose –supplying the needed nutrients for the cannabis plant. The nutrients needed by the cannabis plant are many and must be supplied when needed. If the soil lacks these nutrients, your cannabis growth becomes stunted. In severe cases, the leaves fall off; the stems weaken, the buds become smaller, and the root system dies out.

If you are considering increasing your yield with fertilizers, you have many decisions to make. It starts with selecting one of the two principal types of cannabis fertilizers –synthetic or organic. You also need to understand the nutrients needed at different stages of cannabis growth. With this information, you can easily select the best fertilizer that fits your growing operation.

Fertilizer application for autoflowers

Auto-flowering strains are developed from the Cannabis ruderalis genetics. Cannabis strains with the auto-flowering trait depend on time and age to transition into the flowering stage. This means these plants automatically transition from the germination stage to flowering without the need for light cycle modifications. Since flowering is automatic, you would expect that these cannabis plants complete their growth cycle within a short window. However, within this period, they also rapidly absorb nutrients from the soil. These nutrients are needed for rapid cellular rearrangement, root system development, bud formations, and stem growth.

The nutrient absorption rate is high, and the plant can quickly exhaust the soil’s deposit of nutrients. This frequently happens in regions where the soil is practically poor in Nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus. Autoflowering cannabis seeds, in many cases, need fertilizers to complete their growth cycle. Experienced cannabis farmers always have their preferred fertilizers handy as the plants start growing. In this review, we have compiled a list of the best organic fertilizers you should consider.

Why should you use organic fertilizers for autoflowers?

Both synthetic (commercially available) and organic (homemade) fertilizers are suitable for autoflowers. However, there are many reasons why you would want to consider using an organic fertilizer. Though not exclusive, here are some of the reasons to consider organic fertilizers;

1. Organic fertilizers are cheap on sale

If you are just starting on planting your first few stands of auto-flowers, you don’t want to overstretch your budget. Using organic fertilizers might help you spend less. Compared to synthetic fertilizers, the production cost for organic fertilizers is lower. The raw materials needed can be easily sourced from the environment. If you have the necessary skills, you can make these fertilizers right at home and apply them at no cost whatsoever.

2. Easily customizable

You can easily customize the nutrient content of your organic fertilizer. Synthetic fertilizers are sold in a fixed NPK ratio. Once produced, these fertilizers can only supply the component nutrients in a fixed ratio. For organic fertilizers, if you know which component supplies which nutrient, you can easily prepare fertilizer with different nutrient ratios.

3. No environmental and health hazards

Perhaps this is one of the biggest reasons many cannabis farmers prefer organic fertilizers for auto-flowers. The raw material is biodegradable, constituting no huge hazard to the environment. Since they also contain no synthetic chemicals, organic fertilizers constitute no serious health hazard. You can safely apply them without worries about getting a chemical reaction.

4. No adverse effect on harvest

You can be sure that your harvest is safe with organic fertilizers. Some synthetic fertilizers can interfere with the taste, flavor, and odor of cannabis plants. This is because residual chemicals present in these formulations can be absorbed directly into the plant’s system. With organic fertilizers, the formulation contains no residual chemicals as they are made from natural components. Your cannabis harvest is safe with its desirable features carefully preserved.

Our selection of the best organic fertilizers for auto-flowers

1. Organic superSoil

Getting it right with organic fertilizers all starts with the soil. The organic soil recipe –commonly described as ‘Supersoil’ –is one of the widely used organic growth mediums for auto-flowers. The soil is enriched with organic raw materials that are gradually decomposed over the years. The nutrients are decomposed over time into a form that the plant can easily absorb. There are various recipes and steps for mixing a SuperSoil. However, the components are always almost the same. You can modify the quantity of each component depending on the nutrient profile you need from the soil. One of the widely adopted mix ratios for autoflowers is the Ballpark recipe. Check the recipe below;

50% peat- or sphagnum-based soilless mix (provides the bulk of the medium)
10-20% mature compost (some organic nutrients + lots of microbes)
10% earthworm castings, or vermicompost (the same)
10% perlite (helps saturate the medium with O2, which is necessary for roots)
fungi/mycorrhizae/bacteria (turn raw organics into available plant food)
The fungi/mycorrhizae/bacteria component is very important. This organism plays two principal roles in Supersoils –they help decompose other components and also help the auto-flowers absorb these nutrients by binding to the plant root.

2. Bat guano

Bat poo, commonly called ‘Bat Guano,’ is a conventional organic fertilizer used in many planting operations. For thousands of years, local farmers with no access to synthetic fertilizers reportedly used bat guano. Since it works, this organic fertilizer option has survived many years of history. Today, rural farmers still use it as organically sourced fertilizer. Cannabis farmers also use Bat Guano as an organic source of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and potassium. You can prepare bat guano in powder form or as a pre-made extract in the form of aerated tea.
Depending on the diet of the bat and its location, Bat Guano preparation can have a rich supply of both macro-and micronutrients needed by autoflowers.On harvesting the dried guano, you mix it into compost or apply it directly to the growth medium. Its rich deposit of phosphorus particularly makes it a preferred booster during the blooming period. Depending on the lay of your farm and the prevailing weather conditions, you can be creative with how you use Bat guano.

3. Manure

Manure can also serve as the right organic fertilizer for your autoflower. Primary manures are decomposed animal waste gathered from farms. Farmers who cultivate their cannabis in regions where livestock farming is a big deal prefer manual as an organic fertilizer. Since it can be readily sourced, the cost of production is very cheap. Manure offers a balanced nutrient profile for autoflowers. It also conditions the soil, making it a natural depot of plant nutrients. This deposit of nutrients makes it possible to grow autoflowers multiple times within the same cannabis planting season. For locally collected manures, composting is very important to make sure the manure does not damage the plant. Some of the most commonly prepared manure for autoflowers include;

  • Chicken Manure: Manure sourced from chicken waste is high in Nitrogen. This makes a perfect option for autoflowers during the vegetative stage. Chicken manure also provides a lasting nutrient supply beyond the vegetative stage. Proper composting is needed.
  • Sheep and Rabit manure: This manure is especially good for cannabis plants in the flowering stage. Although not often found in abundance, cheap rabbit manure comes naturally in an easy-to-apply pellet form.
  • Composted Horses or Steers Manure: Unlike others, horses’ compost manure is produced as a cool material. This makes it easier to apply without burning the plant. They also produce a rich nutrient profile and contain beneficial organisms that can help autoflowers grow rapidly.

4. Compost tea

Though not very common, compost tea is another organic fertilizer you can consider for your autoflowers. This liquid concentrate contains soluble nutrients and microorganisms from compost materials. The key ingredients needed to make a compost team include compost. Worm casting, fish hydrolases, kelp, and molasses. The compost should have a large population of beneficial microorganisms. The worm castings are byproducts expelled from worms after digestion is completed. Kelp and molasses serve as food for fungi and bacteria that grow while the tea is brewing.
Once ready, the tea can be diluted and applied directly to the roots or sprayed on the autoflower leaves. Do not apply compost tea over an irrigation line to avoid clogging. It is also important that you apply a potent dose to a few autoflowers first and check for any adverse effects on the leaves after a few hours.

Bottom line

Growing your autoflowers with organic fertilizers is a good method of improving plant yield. The raw material needed for most organic fertilizers is locally available. You save time, energy, and resources if you choose organic fertilizers. You might also require the help of a botanist or agrochemical expert to help with any additional materials you might need. Buy autoflowering weed seeds here, great quality straight from Amsterdam

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marijuana growing

Effortless Cultivation with AMS’s Autoflower Weed Seeds




AMS’s autoflower seeds represent the pinnacle of simple growing. These seeds epitomize self-sufficiency, effortlessly guiding your weed plant from germination, through the vegetative phase, and ultimately into the flowering stage, sans any intricate intervention or manipulation of light cycles by the grower.

Our premium autoflower seeds are meticulously engineered to produce the highest yield as quickly as possible. We invite you to witness the effectiveness of our Amsterdam seeds for yourself!

Purchasing Autoflower Seeds

Autoflower seeds provide a highly adaptable crop that blends effortless management and rapid growth, making them a top choice for novices. We strongly suggest that you get acquainted with our comprehensive grow guide before embarking on your cultivation adventure. With autoflower weed seeds, growers can anticipate an impressive potential harvest, loaded with cannabinoid-rich buds.

Defining Autoflower Seeds

Autoflower seeds are a special breed of weed seeds, capable of flowering autonomously with minimal dependence on external growing factors. These seeds have been so finely tuned that they easily surpass the dependency on light cycles that feminized seeds need for a plentiful harvest.

Autoflower seeds come in various forms and can be modified to be THC-heavy, CBD-dominant, or evenly balanced. Moreover, they can offer a wide range of terpene profiles, adding to their allure. Their resilient nature and quick growth cycle make these strains a favorite among beginners and those aiming for a fast yield.

To genuinely comprehend and value the unique nature of this strain, one must delve into the weed growth cycle. Made up of two primary stages – the vegetative phase and the flowering phase – each of these stages requires certain conditions for smooth progression and accurate transition.

In the case of feminized strains, the flowering stage is contingent on a lack of light. These strains, often known as photoperiod weed strains, necessitate a significant shift in light cycles to stimulate the flowering phase. This is not the case with autoflower strains. Their flowering is initiated by an internal biological timer rather than light dependence, showcasing a major difference with these strains.

The autoflowering characteristics can be traced back to the weed subspecies ruderalis. Native to the harsh climates of Central Asia, Eastern Europe, and Russia, this species developed the autoflowering trait as a survival strategy in its severe native environment. This inherent trait ensures that the plant completes its reproductive cycle before the onset of extreme cold. Researchers at Amsterdam Marijuana Seeds have drawn from this natural adaptation to create the rapid-growth, high-yield autoflower seeds currently available to growers.

effortless cultivation autoflower weed seeds plant

Characteristics of Autoflower Seeds

Autoflower seeds possess several distinguishing features. Although they offer many benefits to weed cultivators, some characteristics may be less advantageous. Here are some of the key features to consider:

Rapid life cycle: Autoflower strains are usually ready for harvest much earlier than other strains. The average plant matures within 8 – 10 weeks from seed to harvest.

Discreet growth: These plants are compact, making them inconspicuous, which allows for indoor growth, even in living areas.

Minimal light requirements: Unlike other strains, autoflower seeds don’t require high light levels. Their unique strength is their ability to self-pollinate and flower within a predetermined timeframe, regardless of external light cues.

Unmatched resilience: Among weed strains, these are some of the most robust you can find. They can flourish under some of the toughest conditions, making them a popular choice for novice growers still familiarizing themselves with weed cultivation and its unique requirements.

Reduced nutrient needs: Autoflower strains show excellent survival abilities. They don’t require intensive care or a strict regimen to thrive. Their robust nature allows them to survive in almost all conditions.

However, every silver lining has a cloud. Autoflower strains may yield less compared to feminized seed strains. Moreover, these strains are nearly impossible to clone effectively, and if cloned, often produce subpar results.

Who Can Benefit From Autoflower Seeds?

Autoflower seeds are the first choice for beginner growers and home cultivators. Their independent growth pattern means they don’t need any specialized equipment or strictly controlled environments to thrive. Their autoflowering attribute makes them perfect for discreet cultivation indoors and outdoors.

How To Grow Autoflower Seeds

Autoflower seeds are exceptionally adaptable and can thrive in nearly any environment. While indoor growth under controlled conditions can enhance yield and overall plant performance, it’s not a necessity. For a detailed understanding, refer to our guide titled “How to Grow Autoflower Seeds”.

Consider trying out the following highly recommended autoflower seed strains:

How to germinate autoflower seeds?

Follow the steps below for successful germination:

  1. Moisten two paper towels and place your autoflower seeds on them.
  2. Fold the paper towel over the seeds and place it on a plate.
  3. Cover this arrangement with another plate.
  4. Store the plates in a warm, dark location.
  5. Check daily to ensure the paper towels maintain their dampness.
  6. When the radicle root exceeds 1 cm, your seeds have successfully germinated.

effortless cultivation autoflower weed seeds AMS

How to cultivate autoflower seeds outdoors?

  1. Germinate your autoflower seeds in their final growing container (ideally holding more than 10 liters).
  2. Position the container to receive a minimum of 8 hours of direct sunlight.
  3. Water your seedlings daily to ensure they remain properly hydrated.
  4. Feed your autoflower seeds using a slow-release approach.
  5. Approximately 12 weeks after germination, you should be ready to harvest your plant.

Autoflower seeds, with their sturdy nature and fast growth cycle, offer a multitude of benefits to weed cultivators. Perfect for beginners and those with limited space or resources, these resilient seeds eliminate the uncertainty out of growth light cycles, making cultivation easier and more predictable.

However, it’s essential to ensure ideal conditions for germination. Even though autoflower seeds are versatile, they still require basic care for successful germination. Soil temperature, moisture levels, and aeration greatly impact the germination success rate.

A soil temperature of around 25℃ is considered optimal for these seeds. It’s also crucial to maintain balance in soil moisture levels – the soil should be damp but not waterlogged. Overwatering can obstruct oxygen flow to the seeds, leading to stunted growth or even seed decay. Aeration plays a crucial role in successful germination. It helps in preventing mold and fostering a healthier root system for the plant.

Once these conditions are met, you can expect the seed to germinate within one to three days. The key indicator of successful germination is the emergence of a small stem sprouting from the soil surface, marking the beginning of a new growth phase.

For more detailed instructions and tips on the germination process, consider visiting this comprehensive guide. This step-by-step guide not only offers insights into successful seed germination but also discusses potential pitfalls and how to avoid them, ensuring a more successful cultivation experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of growing autoflower seeds for beginners?

Autoflower seeds are a top choice for novices due to their highly adaptable nature and rapid growth. These seeds require minimal intervention and are capable of flowering autonomously, regardless of external factors like light cycles. With autoflower seeds, beginner growers can anticipate an impressive potential harvest, loaded with cannabinoid-rich buds.

Question: What are the key characteristics of autoflower seeds?

Autoflower seeds possess several distinguishing features that make them attractive to cultivators. These include a rapid life cycle, compact and discreet growth, minimal light requirements, unmatched resilience, and reduced nutrient needs. However, it’s worth noting that autoflower strains may yield less compared to feminized seed strains and are difficult to clone effectively.

Who can benefit from growing autoflower seeds?

Autoflower seeds are particularly beneficial for beginner growers and home cultivators. Their independent growth pattern allows them to thrive without specialized equipment or strictly controlled environments. The autoflowering attribute of these seeds makes them perfect for discreet cultivation both indoors and outdoors.

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Clones vs Seeds Which Is Better for Cannabis Cultivation? Pros, Cons, and Considerations




When it comes to cannabis cultivation, growers often face a critical decision: whether to use clones or seeds. Each method has its advantages and considerations, and understanding the differences can help you make an informed choice for your cannabis garden. In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of both clones and seeds, allowing you to determine which option suits your needs best.

The Benefits of Clones

Cloning involves taking cuttings from a mature cannabis plant and propagating them to develop genetically identical offspring. Here are some of the key advantages associated with using clones for cannabis cultivation:

  1. Genetic Consistency: Clones offer an exact replica of the parent plant, ensuring consistent traits such as potency, flavor, and yield. This consistency can be beneficial for growers aiming to replicate desirable qualities.
  2. Faster Growth: Clones skip the germination stage, allowing for faster growth and development. They already possess an established root system, which means they can focus their energy on vegetative growth and ultimately flowering.
  3. Phenotype Preservation: Clones preserve the phenotype of the parent plant, which refers to its observable characteristics like leaf structure, growth pattern, and resin production. This feature is especially important for growers who have found a specific phenotype they want to maintain.
  4. Elimination of Males: Cloning guarantees female plants, eliminating the risk of male plants in your garden. Male plants do not produce buds and can pollinate female plants, leading to reduced quality and yield.

a marijuana clones vs seeds

Despite these advantages, there are some considerations to keep in mind when opting for clones:

  • Vulnerability to Pests and Diseases: Clones can inherit any pests or diseases present in the parent plant. It’s crucial to ensure the health of the mother plant and take preventive measures to avoid any potential issues.
  • Limited Genetic Diversity: Cloning restricts genetic diversity, as all clones are essentially copies of the same plant. This lack of diversity can make the crop more susceptible to diseases and pests over time.
  • Availability and Legality: Depending on your location, obtaining clones may be more challenging due to legal restrictions or limited availability. It’s essential to research local regulations and availability before deciding on clones.

The Advantages of Seeds

Using seeds for cannabis cultivation offers its own set of advantages. Let’s explore why some growers prefer this method

  1. Genetic Variety: Seeds provide an opportunity to explore a wide range of genetic diversity. Breeders develop various strains with unique characteristics, allowing growers to select the ideal plant traits for their specific needs and preferences.
  2. Taproot Development: Seed-grown plants develop taproots, which provide stability and enhanced nutrient uptake. This robust root system can result in stronger, more resilient plants.
  3. Lower Risk of Pests and Diseases: Starting from seeds reduces the risk of inheriting pests or diseases from the parent plant. By carefully sourcing high-quality seeds, you can start with a clean slate and minimize potential issues.
  4. Availability: Seeds are generally more readily available than clones, as they can be purchased from reputable seed banks or obtained through various legal channels. This accessibility makes seeds a convenient choice for many growers.

clones vs seeds cannabis

While seeds offer several advantages, there are also some considerations to bear in mind:

  • Germination Process: Seeds require germination, which involves providing the right conditions for them to sprout. This process can take a few days to a week, delaying the growth timeline compared to clones.
  • Gender Variation: When growing from seeds, both male and female plants can emerge. Unless you’re specifically breeding, it’s crucial to identify and remove male plants to prevent pollination and ensure high-quality flower production.
  • Phenotype Variation: Seeds can exhibit phenotypic variation, meaning that the offspring may display different characteristics from the parent plant. While this can be exciting for breeders, it may present challenges for growers seeking consistency.


In the debate between clones and seeds for cannabis cultivation, there is no definitive answer. Both methods offer unique advantages and considerations. Clones provide genetic consistency, faster growth, and phenotype preservation, but they are vulnerable to pests and diseases and limit genetic diversity. On the other hand, seeds offer genetic variety, taproot development, and lower risk of pests and diseases, but they require a germination process and can exhibit phenotype and gender variation.

Ultimately, the choice between clones and seeds depends on your specific goals, resources, and preferences as a grower. Whether you opt for clones or seeds, remember to prioritize the health and quality of your plants through proper care, maintenance, and suitable cultivation practices. Happy growing!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the pros and cons of clones in cannabis cultivation?

Clones offer genetic consistency, faster growth, and phenotype preservation. However, they are vulnerable to pests and diseases and limit genetic diversity.

What are the advantages of using seeds in cannabis cultivation?

Seeds provide genetic variety, taproot development, and lower risk of pests and diseases. They are also generally more readily available than clones.

Why is phenotype preservation important in cannabis plants?

Phenotype preservation ensures that the observable characteristics of the parent plant, such as leaf structure and resin production, are maintained in the offspring. This is particularly valuable for growers who want to maintain specific plant traits.

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Coffee Grounds: Natural Fertilizer for Cannabis




No need to invest in chemical cannabis fertilizers when you can utilize something as readily available as coffee grounds. When you frequent coffee shops, you may notice excess coffee grounds are typically thrown away or given out for free. Repurposing these coffee grounds not only helps the environment by reducing waste but can also be beneficial to your cannabis plants.

You may not realize the significant contribution you can make to your cannabis garden by utilizing these coffee grounds. By doing so, you indirectly help the coffee shop reduce waste disposal costs. It becomes a mutually beneficial situation!

Contrary to the belief of some, coffee grounds are not only safe for cannabis plants but highly beneficial. Using coffee grounds as a cannabis fertilizer offers a myriad of benefits which we will detail in the following sections.

coffee grounds natural fertilizer cannabis cultivation

1. Coffee Grounds are Nutritious for Worms

Earthworms play a crucial role in the ecosystem of a cannabis garden. Consider this: your cannabis plants thrive on compost for optimal growth. By providing coffee grounds as a feed for the compost-producing worms, you enhance vermiculture, also known as vermicomposting.

Indeed, coffee grounds serve as excellent food for worms, promoting vermiculture. Healthy, well-nourished worms contribute more organic matter to the cannabis garden via their waste, also known as worm castings.

2. Balancing Soil Acidity in a Cannabis Garden

Coffee grounds have the ability to increase soil acidity, particularly when combined with compost. When you understand the optimal pH range for cannabis cultivation, you’ll find these plants prefer slightly acidic conditions.

So, is coffee beneficial for cannabis? Absolutely. Coffee grounds increase the acidity of the soil in which cannabis plants are grown, thereby adjusting the pH levels to a range preferable for these plants.

When the soil is too acidic (with pH levels below 5.0), the growth of cannabis plants is hindered. Because coffee grounds are natural, there is no risk of excessive alkalinity in the soil environment. It is entirely accurate to say that coffee grounds can act as a natural pH adjuster.

Preventing pest coffee grounds natural fertilizer cannabis cultivation

3. Prevention of Pest Infestation

Pests pose a significant threat to cannabis plants. However, coffee grounds have proven effective in pest management. As noted earlier, coffee grounds increase acidity. Many pests that attack cannabis cannot tolerate acidic environments, thus preventing their encroachment on the plant.

The abrasive nature of coffee grounds also aids in pest control. The sharp edges of the coffee grounds can deter pests or alter their course away from the cannabis plant. This abrasive nature is also effective against common cannabis fungal threats such as Pythium, Sclerotinia, and Fusarium.

4. Coffee Grounds for Composting

Coffee grounds contain essential nutrients that contribute to vibrant cannabis plants. When added to a compost bin, coffee grounds function as “green” waste.

Green waste, when mixed with other materials like wood ash and carbon-rich matter, generates significant heat. This heat aids in breaking down these materials into rich, nutritious compost for cannabis. Additionally, coffee grounds contain high levels of nitrogen, which contributes to greener, more vibrant cannabis leaves. Furthermore, increased nitrogen promotes leaf growth, vital for photosynthesis and overall plant health.

coffee grounds natural fertilizer cannabis cultivation nutrients

5. A Rich Source of Nutrients

Proper fertilization ensures your cannabis plants receive adequate nutrients. Besides nitrogen, coffee grounds also provide other essential nutrients such as magnesium and potassium, promoting the health and growth of your cannabis plants.

Frequently asked questions

Can coffee grounds replace commercial cannabis fertilizers?

Yes, coffee grounds can serve as an effective and eco-friendly alternative to commercial cannabis fertilizers. They provide essential nutrients such as nitrogen, magnesium, and potassium, which are vital for plant growth. Furthermore, they help maintain the soil’s pH balance and deter pests, promoting a healthier and more vibrant cannabis garden.

Is it possible to use coffee grounds directly on the soil?

While it is possible to use coffee grounds directly on the soil, it is typically more beneficial to compost them first. Composting coffee grounds allows for the gradual release of their nutrients and reduces the risk of over-fertilization, which could potentially harm the plants. However, if you wish to use coffee grounds directly, make sure they are evenly spread and mixed into the soil to prevent clumping.

How long are coffee grounds good for?

Coffee grounds can improve soil composition and nutrient levels for up to three months. However, it is recommended to incorporate them into the soil so that beneficial microorganisms, like earthworms, can aid in efficient decomposition. After this period, most of the nutrients in the coffee grounds will have been converted into a valuable organic fertilizer for your cannabis plants.

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