Summary: Anthony L. Armour, a former DEA agent, was fired in 2019 after using using CBD oil for chronic pain. His termination led to a prolonged...
In the realm of muscle building, cannabis can complement traditional approaches by addressing key aspects of the process. Cannabis’s pain-relieving properties can alleviate post-exercise soreness, facilitating...
What about combining the magic of the slow cooker with the benefits of cannabis! A match made in chill heaven Marijuana has become mainstream popular, but...
CBD for Pets: A Comprehensive Guide to Improving Your Pet’s Wellness Learn about the potential benefits of CBD for pets, the science behind it, and discover...
Happiness is a wonderful part of life, but for some or at times, it can be elusive. Finding happiness can be a lifelong journey, but who...
We are in the depths of winter and even Mississippi is having snow and ice. It is flat out cold outside. For those who have to...
91 points out of 100 Price: $30 / eighth-ounce Batch size: 30 to 50 pounds. If someone claims that you can’t get a bona fide sativa...
Chronic pain affects millions of people worldwide, significantly impacting their quality of life and often leading to the development of other health conditions. Traditional treatments with...
For many aging individuals, arthritis presents a significant challenge, causing chronic pain and reduced mobility. Studies suggest that certain cannabinoids in cannabis, like CBD and THC,...
Flower is still popular, but so is vaping. One reason is it more discreet due to the lack of smell Sometimes you can tell when someone...