Nothing says fall then a drive though the country and visiting shops, seeing pumpkin patches and maybe even visiting a distillery. With hundreds of bourbon and whiskey...
If you’re an adult, you already know that mixing substances is a mixed bag. Sometimes you get the results you want, and other times you’re laying...
It is official, it is autumn. Time for pumpkin spice, holiday shopping months early, football, and the beginning of cuffing season. Long work days and wet...
Heart disease has the unfortunate distinction of being the leading cause of death in both men and women in the United States. The condition envelops a...
Autumn is around the corner, even if the weather in a lot of the country still feels like midsummer. That means it’s time to reevaluate the...
While there are many rumors that claim certain meals and drinks will make you lose weight, most of them are bogus. Sadly, there are no miracle...
For many, Labor Day weekend signals the last hurrah, the week after starts to feel like the true end of summer. The beginning of fall. The...
A new study will please those of us who are looking for more ways to improve our skin, particularly those who love beer. Researchers in Italy...
Bars are wondrous places full of beer, chatter, celebration, ways to get drunk and opportunities to meet friends. But they are also tricky. As with most...
The three great drivers of the human body is seems are coffee, wine and cannabis. Yes, there are more, but people to tend to focus on...