Every five seconds, at least two hospital residents need blood transfusions, Charles Richard Drew, an African-American surgeon and medical researcher helped create them, developing improved techniques...
Cannabis and sleep go together like pillows and blankets. Here’s a few things you should keep in mind when using the herb to help you rest....
A product can claim to contain large amounts of THC or CBD and that it will provide powerful benefits. But while this may be true, it...
Edibles have become very popular – finding the right one for you is key! With over 50% of the country’s population having access to recreational cannabis,...
The Biden administration has finally asked for cannabis to be considering for rescheduling. The industry has been a boon for states, veterans, patients, and everyday citizens...
Like wine, whiskey, tequila and a few other things, there are casual users and serious, serious users. A concentrate is for the experienced user who can...
People love THC for the fun – but if you look past it, there are other benefits Marijuana is becoming increasing popular and over 85% believe...
If you are are seeing more food loaded with heat, you are not wrong. The hot spicy food trend is not just a fad it’s a...
Beer is universal, it is the 3rd most consumed fluid behind water and tea (surprise – not coffee). China, the US and Brazil lead the world...
Weather, work, crazy prices – all causing folks to watch the eclipse online or not at all – here are 8 strains to gently lift your...