It’s been 10 years since Colorado launched the first legal recreational marijuana market in the world and became a pioneer in drug reform. But when it...
There seems to be bi-partisian support for medical marijuana to be an aide in treating PTSD. The VA Medicinal Cannabis Research Act was introduced during summer...
An estimated 20.9% of Canadian and US adults live in chronic pain – and constantly search for a little relief….here is how to maximize help Over...
When you crack and relax and maybe consume some marijuana, it seems times stands still. THC does play a little bit of a mind trip which...
(This story has been updated to clarify the changes in Pennsylvania law.) Up to 30 new medical marijuana dispensaries could open in Pennsylvania under a bill...
It is the time to play Santa to friends and family – but before you put a little special extra special under tree – you might want...
It has been reported 55.4 Million Americans are expected to travel this Thanksgiving holiday. This forecast is a 2.3% increase over last year, the third highest since...
The holiday season for most people is a fun time of the year filled with turkey, celebrations, and family and friend gatherings. Media reenforces is a...
Canada and 24 US states have legal recreational marijuana. Forty states have medical marijuana available, yet for some, it is not enough. The cannabis black market...
Out of all types of cancers that exist, which type do you think is one of the hardest to beat? On a worldwide scale, pancreatic cancer...