No matter what you identify – marijuana can have different impacts on you based on gender. Research based on women/men is rare and there needs to...
Glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness (cataracts are number 1) with about 3.5 million Americana and Canadian’s suffering through this disease. It is a gradual...
Amsterdam Marijuana Seeds (AMS) is your go-to destination for premium quality marijuana seeds. With more than 25 years of experience, we have become one of the...
Looking for the best place to buy marijuana seeds online? Look no further than Amsterdam Marijuana Seeds (AMS)! With over 25 years of experience, we are...
Spring is here and summer is around the corner. As we scroll Instagram and TicTok, we are already seeing beautiful bodies on a boat, be a...
A report from the University of Manitoba suggests medical cannabis safety concerns. The report indicates that most Canadians using cannabis for medical purposes don’t have proper...
Recession and inflation aside, cannabis can be expensive. But when it’s a regular part of your life, you need to treat it like any other life...
Medical marijuana is extracted from cannabis plants and is used to treat the different symptoms associated with various health conditions. Medical marijuana is also used to...
In 1995, the president of the American Pain Society called for pain to be added as a fifth vital sign evaluated and managed by physicians—body temperature,...
By John Schroyer The Sunshine State is full of cannabis fans, apparently. According to state data, the number of registered medical marijuana patients in Florida increased...