Summary: The Israeli Ministry of Health has implemented significant changes to the medical cannabis regulations, easing conditions for chronic pain, PTSD, and autism treatment. These updates,...
There seems to be bi-partisian support for medical marijuana to be an aide in treating PTSD. The VA Medicinal Cannabis Research Act was introduced during summer...
As science delves deeper into the cannabis plant more medical properties are revealed. Historical, the plant has been used for medicine in a variety of cultural,...
Veteran’s give there all and experience things rarely faced by average citizens. In Canada and America alone there are 17 millions with over a million suffering...
Alabama is a grow state. Agriculture has over a $70 billion economic impact in Alabama. It has more than 44,000 farms covering 8.9 million acres....
Cannabis has many health benefits that everyone should be aware of. Cannabis can help promote mindfulness and being in the moment, manage pain, improve mental health,...
CBD for Diabetes, What are the benefits? Introduction Diabetes is a chronic condition that affects your metabolism and the way your body processes food. It can...
Cannabis also has a range of other benefits, including anti-inflammatory properties, improved sleep, and relaxation. Ultimately, the decision between cannabis and opioids for pain relief will...
Cannabis has been found to lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of hypertension-induced heart diseases. A 2013 study published by the Journal of Biochemical Pharmacology...
Cannabis is a plant that has been used for thousands of years to treat many ailments. The first recorded use of cannabis was in 2737 BC,...