Leafly’s Dr. Nick Jikomes explains your body’s own weed molecule signaling system and what happens when you get your blood pumping. The endocannabinoid system is crucial...
Make some hot chocolate and settle in over winter break as Leafly’s Nick Jikomes, PhD, unshackles your mind from the chains of both THC and terpene...
2023 saw tons of new research come out related to cannabis. Below is a selection of some of the studies that caught my attention, with brief...
A recent statistical analysis from the publication Quartz Advisors found that traffic fatalities declined or remained constant after states adopted recreational cannabis laws. The analysis—focused on...
Leafly’s Dr. Nick Jikomes explains why weed gives some people The Fear—and why it’s sometimes beneficial to face it. Hip surgeries are painful. Patients require potent...
Leafly’s Nick Jikomes PhD details the bacteria and other organisms living on and inside you, and how cannabis can alter your body’s interaction with this microscopic...
Across North America, something called Hop Latent Viroid (HLV) is wreaking havoc. This virus-like infection can make plants sickly and destroy harvests. It’s highly contagious. Studies...