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Everything You Need To Know About THC Pills And Capsules



THC tablets and capsules are an excellent alternative to smoking. They do not burn the throat and do not cause coughing. THC pills act like edibles, providing the same potent high. But what is the advantage of THC and CBD tablets?

Weed pills are a product that is easy to dose. Capsules differ from each other in the number of cannabinoids they contain. Today’s cannabis industry can provide the customer with more than just THC and CBD to choose from. It is an opportunity to try different cannabinoids and choose the one that suits you best.

The principle action of THC tablets and capsules is quite simple. Once the product enters your digestive system, the capsule shell breaks down. Cannabinoids enter the body through the blood and then metabolize in the liver.

Since the process takes time, do not rush to take many pills at once. It is usually worth waiting about an hour (sometimes 90 minutes) for the capsules to take effect. It all depends on the characteristics of your body (for example, your age, your metabolism, whether you are taking other pills, etc.).

Types of Capsules

Capsule types are constantly being improved upon, so there are a lot of them. Sometimes reading more information about a product can be confusing.

Ground Buds

Crushed cannabis flowers can be consumed in capsules if they have undergone a decarboxylation process. The cannabis must be exposed to heat, where the cannabis acids CBDA and THCA become the familiar THC and CBD. Without carboxylation, it makes no sense to use marijuana in capsules because it is not activated.


THC distillate is a thick and viscous liquid, somewhat reminiscent of honey in consistence. The distillate is necessarily 80-90% single cannabinoid, often either THC or CBD. You can be sure of the quality of the distillate: when you buy THC oil capsules, you will get 85% or more THC content.


THC capsules may contain crystalline, which is a substance such as salt or sugar. These are pure powdered cannabinoids. You can find different types of crystalline pills, but often the tablets contain only THCA or CBDA, non-activated cannabinoid acids. Thus, patients can consume the weed safely.

CBD to THC Ratio

To achieve a certain effect, the manufacturer can manipulate the components. Thus, 1:1 or 3:1 capsules are popular in the cannabis market.


Broad-spectrum capsules are mostly CBD products. This type contains CBD and other components of the cannabis plant except for THC. These tablets contain almost all the molecules of the original plant.

Full Spectrum

Full spectrum products include all terpenes and cannabinoids from the source plant. This type is like a broad-spectrum and contains a small amount of THC. Typically, full spectrum capsules are ground decarboxylated weed or an oil base.

How to Make Cannabis Capsules

Although buying ready-made products is much easier and safer, you can try making cannabis capsules yourself! If you have already prepared cannabis edibles, you will not have any problems with the task at all.

  • Grind the weed and spread it on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. It is important to properly spread the cannabis over the entire surface, so it heats up evenly;
  • Preheat the oven to 200 degrees Fahrenheit before placing the baking sheet in the oven;
  • Warm up marijuana for 30 minutes;
  • Add the cannabis to a pot of simmering oil (choose coconut or olive oil);
  • Boil for about an hour;
  • Cool the mixture;
  • Using a pipette, fill the gelatin shells with a homemade mixture.

Alternatively, you can just buy casings and weed oil tinctures.

Read Also: Medical Marijuana — What You Should Know

Why Choose THC Capsules?

Why do marijuana fans love THC capsules? Here are some of the most popular reasons:

Great Effects

THC capsules do not start working immediately. The expectation is worth it since the effect of the pills and edibles is more potent than that of smoking. The average duration of a buzz is from 5 to 10 hours. You can read more about edibles here.


An accurate grammage of each capsule allows you to calculate the correct dose. Smoking is always random because you can’t control how much you end up inhaling. Besides, medical patients should always know their dosage. In order not to guess, you can use THC and CBD capsules.


Most marijuana users would like to be able to avoid drawing so much attention to themselves. The smell of weed alone will keep you from smoking your joint unnoticed. But taking medical marijuanas pills will not created any extra attention.


Many users do not want to smoke for personal reasons. After all, weed has strong smell. It is a harsh smoke that harms the lungs and impairs breathing. It is understandable why many people switch to THC oil capsules. This is a much healthier alternative.

Potential Side Effects

Despite these advantages over smoking, THC capsules also have their drawbacks. People don’t see pills as a “potent weed”, and they can go over the top with dosage. The immediate side effects will leave you feeling anxious, panicky, and paranoid. But it is also important to consider the long-term use of capsules. If you experience the following symptoms even when you are not high, then you are most likely experiencing marijuana side effects:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Mood changes
  • Chills
  • Depression
  • Stomach problems
  • High blood pressure
  • Weight loss
  • Irritability
  • Sleep problems
  • Headache
  • Difficulties with focusing
  • Sweating.

However, if you choose CBD capsules, you will save yourself from such side effects. Moreover, CBD is non-psychoactive, and its effects are slow to appear. The effects of CBD are cumulative, like vitamins.

Read Also: What Is THC Or Tetrahydrocannabinol?

Medical Properties of THC Pills

Despite the strong mental impact, THC capsules are also used in medicine. These effects have a positive effect on the central nervous system. For the most part, THC pills for pain reduce or eliminate the pain of different types and muscle spasms. On the other hand, constant weed consumption will greatly affect your perception of the world.

Moreover, patients reported the following positive cannabis capsules effects:

  • Mood improvement
  • Reduced social anxiety
  • Pain relief
  • Treatment of nausea and vomiting
  • Increased appetite
  • Relaxation
  • Sleep stabilization.

How to Consume THC Caps

THC capsules can be taken with water. If you are a beginner, then it is worth starting with low doses, about 5-10 milligrams. You can speed up the effectiveness of the capsules if you take them on an empty stomach. Food can slow down the absorption of weed tablets.

Give yourself about an hour to appreciate the power of the effects. Capsules take time, and it is important not to take too many capsules at once. It can lead to negative effects.


You can consider THC capsules as a good alternative to smoking weed. Still, before you decide on the consumption method, it is worth considering all the risks and disadvantages.

This article originally appeared on and has been reposted with permission.

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Marijuana Dosing For The First Half Of The Week




It was common and part of the American myth, guys would come home after work and pop a beer.  Or stop by their “local” for a quick one before heading to the house. But the world has changed and more people are concerned about weight, calories and health impacts. A survey by the American Heart Association found millennials, more than previous generations, are more likely to engage in healthy behaviors, such as regular exercise and maintaining a healthy diet. In addition, Gen Z seems to be the first generation to slowly move away from alcohol, and a portion are moving to marijuana.

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Thanks to anecdotal and hard data, there is now a slow trend where after work instead of a grabbing a beer, people are taking a puff or popping a gummy.  Same relaxation, but with less side effects. But what should be the marijuana dosing for the first half of the week? It is important you don’t rely on anything every day to relax.  To do so could be a sign of addiction. But if you are want a quick, after work cool down.  Here are some suggestions.

cannabis vape
Photo by Ivan-balvan/Getty Images

Consider vaping, gummies or tinctures. These vehicles are easy to consume and you don’t have to commit to a big dosage.   A couple of hits on the vape while unwinding should be enough to release the tension while doing Monday stuff. The same line goes with gummies and tinctures.

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A suggested dosage of marijuana for a low key chill is between 5-7.5 milligrams (mg).  A study revealed participants who received 7.5 mg. of THC reported less stress after the psychosocial test than those given a placebo, and stress levels dissipated faster after the test.  This would equal a couple of dose on a vape or about 1.5 gummies.  (with gummies having a bout 5 mg of THC).

Alcohol sales, a predictor of use, shows the first half of have low sale but by Thursday it is has jumped 2.5X. Marijuana should follow in the same footprint.


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Can Pollen Allergies Be Helped By Cannabis




Over 100 million people in the US and Canada have to deal with seasonal allergies. As spring starts and flowers and plants bloom, noses start their annual running.  More than $13.4 billion was spent in 2021 on people seeking relief from the sniffling and sneezing. Typical symptoms including congestion, sneezing, itchy eyes, nose and throat, runny nose and eyes, and post nasal drip. But can pollen allergies be helped by cannabis?  It sort of depends.

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While pollen is a generally an issue when it warm…it can go from spring to fall. For many  this means February onwards for tree pollen, followed by grass pollen, then ragweed in the later summer and autumn. While more research can be done, for a portion of those afflicted, marijuana may help.

green grass field under white sky during daytime

Marijuana is known to be anti-inflammatory and it seems marijuana can lower histamine levels in the body. This suppresses the immune system’s allergic response to pollen and other allergens. By reducing inflammation, marijuana may be able to open up airways and provide relief similar to over-the-counter allergy medications, but without some of the side effects.  In addition, for some, it can be a sleep aide to help get over the loss of sleep/fatigue hump.

However, it’s important to note that marijuana itself can also act as an allergen for some people. The pollen-rich cannabis plant may trigger allergic reactions in those with sensitivities, leading to symptoms like congestion, watery eyes, and itchy nose. There is also a risk of cross-reactivity, where people allergic to things like trees, weeds, or latex may experience reactions to hemp or cannabis products.  If you plan to try cannabis to help, consider gummies as way to consume the distilled plant.

For those exploring marijuana to help, pay attention to actually benefits you may receive.. While it may provide relief for some, marijuana is not a one-size-fits-all solution for seasonal allergies. As with any new treatment, it’s important to work closely with a healthcare provider to find the best approach.

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Toast 4/20 With A THC Infused Mocktail




It is the high holiday of marijuana use.  You want to go out and have some fun, so why not toast 4/20 with a THC infused mocktail? Friday and Saturday are the busiest night at bars and sometimes you want something other than a vape or a gummy – so why not have a “cannabis mocktail”?  This way you can indulge with your friends, have a little sugar in your system and chill out.

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Non alcoholic cocktails – called the mocktail have been around since the 1860s with the temperance movement. The craft cocktail movement has spurred the cocktail renaissance, characterized by a revival and re-prioritization of traditional recipes and methods in the bar industry.  So why not do what you love and be part of the movement also?

cannabis cocktail
Photo by viennetta/Getty Images

The easiest way is to add a THC tincture to the mocktails while the staff aren’t looking.  Simply stop at your local dispensary and pick one up. Find something with a bland flavor so it will go with whatever you order. When looking for a mocktail, consider drinks with strong flavors and a little extra ice.  Remember, it will take 15-30 minutes at least for it to kick in (like a real cocktail), so don’t drink too quickly.

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You can also make your own marijuana simple syrup. It is bit involved but it’s still nothing too crazy if you love creating. You’ll need issome combination of water, fine granulated sugar, vegetable glycerine, marijuana, a bottle or jar, and cheesecloth. If the marijuana is baked before hand in order to encourage decarboxylation if can make a different. There is a bit of trial and error based on the strength of the plant used.

In 1971, 4/20 was born as a code word when five Californian high school students used to to connect.  They had a a treasure map to help them find an abandoned cannabis crop. Since them it has become a universal term used for weed and the date is biggest cannabis day of year.

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