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The Vape Bong: Best of Both Worlds



In the world of weed, vaping has grown exponentially in the last several years. And as always, even with no big-name products, bongs are a constant for many weed smokers. But what’s better than these two individually? Using them together! The vape bong represents the best of both worlds, with most vape companies offering a bong attachment as an aftermarket product. Here’s more on how it works.

What’s a bong?

I know, it’s an entry level question, but let’s go over it anyway. A bong is a waterpipe used to smoke cannabis, and other herbs. Though there are different designs, the general one in weed smoking involves a contraption with a water chamber, which can be sealed off when the mouth touches down. Attached to the water chamber is an opening for a mouthpiece (possibly with a tube), and an opening where the herbs are lit. The idea is to put your mouth on the mouthpiece and light the herbs while sucking in, so the smoke goes through the water.

Sometimes there’s a ‘carb’ hole attached to the main chamber, and this is used to let in more air. When lighting the herbs, this hole must be closed off to create a sealed water chamber, or the air won’t pull through. Sometimes instead of this, the mouthpiece itself is removable and works in the same way. This helps clear the smoke built up in the chamber. Cheaper bongs (and homemade ones) might not have either.

Bongs provide very strong hits, but they also do something else, they help filter the smoke. No, it’s not going to save you from the general dangers of smoking, but it does mean that some of the bigger or heavier particles get stuck in the water. Aside from vaping, this means bongs are the only way to smoke using fire, whereby some amount of smoke filtration happens.

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What’s a vape?

A vaporizer is a device that works to smoke herbs like marijuana as well. Although, unlike standard smoking, its not actually about breathing in smoke, but breathing in vapor. Smoke is obtained by setting herbs on fire, and then breathing in the product. On the other hand, a vape heats up an herb to temperatures that don’t cause it to burn, but do cause the compounds within it, to vaporize out. Think of a pot of boiling water, and the vapor coming off it. Same concept.

Up until several years ago, this term was only referred to devices which use dry herbs. In that case, the vapor is of a plant material. However, more recently, the word ‘vape’ has been associated with something a bit different, oil vapes. Oil vapes involve the use of a cartridge that doesn’t contain a dry herb, but an oil instead. This oil is comparably heated to a temperature that doesn’t allow it to burn, and which allows compounds to float out as vapor. In this case, the person is specifically breathing in oil vapor.

The whole point of a vaporizer is to create a cleaner experience, and to get away from the dangers of smoking. Some even prefer them simply because you can taste the plant more, and without the accompanying taste of smokiness. As of yet, despite smear campaigns, and governments working toward keeping people smoking (while saying the opposite), vapes have not been associated with the problems of smoking, and are repeatedly pointed to as a way to avoid smoking damage.

If you’re questioning why I’m saying this, consider that nearly every government taxes cigarettes to the point that they become a government industry (as in, the government makes the most profit, even ABOVE the cigarette manufacturers). Gives incentive to backhandedly keep people smoking.

So, what’s a vape bong?

The name should explain it pretty well. It’s a device that uses both the bong setup (to create huge hits), and the vape setup, so that those huge hits, are of vapor, not smoke. In that sense, it’s the best of both worlds. Not only can you ensure breathing in less chemicals, but you can also get yourself one of those mind-numbingly strong bong hits.

One of the benefits of a vape bong is that, even as the safer smoking option, vaporizers can still create hot vapor, and that is often uncomfortable for the vaper; even causing a lot of coughing. As an avid vaper for many years, I understand this discomfort as a temporary, non-threatening issue. It has never caused me damage in all my years of vaping.

Dry herb vape
Dry herb vape

As a comparison, if I smoke, my throat is sore, my asthma is set off, and I’ll within a short enough time, get a case of bronchitis. There’s a reason that smoking is the #1 cause of death in America and beyond. None of that happens with vaping. Or, at least, not to any degree seen now.

A vape bong is usually associated with a dry herb vape, but the functionality is good for either an oil cartridge vape, or a dry herb vape. While oil vapes still show a strong and uniformly better alternative to smoking, they do come with issues of additives; from coloring, to thickening or thinning agents, to flavoring, and so on. They also come with the issue of heavy metals leaching into the vape oil. Though nearly anything not involving lighting something on fire and breathing it in, is better; a dry herb vape is uniformly better than an oil one…though this is just my opinion.

A vape bong uses both mechanisms, and can cool the heat of a vape hit, whether from an oil cart, or dry herb. Usually its an attachment that goes in between. The air is sucked through the bong, into the vape, through the vape, back through the bong, and into the users mouth. Think of what a standard bong looks like, and then think of sticking a vaporizer where the herbs go. Especially for high temperature vapers, where combustion is actually pretty close, this not only cools the air down, but gives it an extra level of filtration as well.

Where to get a vape bong attachment

Vape bongs usually come as attachment pieces. I have yet to go into a dispensary and see a device on display that performs both functions. Since vapes vary in their design, there isn’t a uniform way for this to go, meaning its generally best to buy the aftermarket product of the company that puts out your vape, or to go into a smoke shop knowing what kind of a bong attachment will work with your vape.

Since I don’t know what vape you’re using, I can’t give any more specific advice. You can always play around to get things to work yourself, but sometimes its nice to use the expertise of the same company who crafted your vape equipment in the first place. The following are a few examples of the major or more popular vaporizer brands, and their own vape bong attachments, and those made by other companies to fit the device.

The first two are for the vapes I use most now – Dynavap, and the one I used most before this – Flowermate. The Flowermate adapter is $14.99, and fits on any Flowermate vape. The Dynavap adapter is $20.95, and in this case, due to the design, it takes the place of the body of the regular vape. You can also buy this piece direct from the company for $2. You would not need a new adapter just because you upgrade your vape with the same company.

Vape bongs safer than bongs
Vape bongs safer than bongs

The same is true for another of the biggest names. Let’s say you want to turn your Volcano into a vape bong, you can with this adapter. There are a ton of companies offering attachments for a Volcano vape. Same with two other popular products from the same company Storz & Bickel: the Crafty and the Mighty. If you have either of these, an adapter like this works, and you can buy it from tons of vape companies as well. Big name DaVinci puts out its own adapter for turning a vape into a vape bong, and only costs $9.49.

What about Pax, they’re pretty popular, right? Different companies provide adapters like this one, which runs about $37.12. Arizer is another giant in the industry, and you can get a vape bong attachment for their vapes, for about $14.95. And G-pen? Well, that company offers a range of products to help connect your vape to your bong, and you can see all the options right here.


The vape bong ain’t for the faint of heart. But then, no bong is. Get the best of both worlds with nothing more than a connector piece. And honestly, I bet if you’re really forward thinking, you can find a way to make your own.

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Astronauts to Test Cannabis Growth in Outer Space




NASA‘s recent collaboration with the International Space Research Consortium to launch a mission testing the cultivation of cannabis in the microgravity of space has stirred a whirlwind of interest and controversy across the globe. This initiative aims to unravel the mysteries of how low-gravity environments affect plant growth, with cannabis serving as the pioneering subject. According to Dr. Alfred Terra, the esteemed lead scientist spearheading the project, the conditions in space present an “unparalleled opportunity” to push the boundaries of our understanding of botany and its applications in medicine and agriculture beyond Earth’s confines.

This ambitious endeavor aims to shed light on the potential for utilizing space-based agriculture to support long-duration space missions and future colonization efforts on other planets. The choice of cannabis as a research subject is particularly intriguing due to its complex biochemical makeup and its increasing use in medicinal therapies on Earth. Insights gained from how cannabis adapts to space’s harsh environment could lead to breakthroughs in growing food and medicinal plants in extraterrestrial colonies.

Despite the scientific excitement surrounding the mission, the announcement has been met with its share of skepticism and criticism. Some members of the scientific community and the general public question the allocation of resources toward cannabis research in space, arguing that more pressing scientific and exploratory questions merit attention aboard the International Space Station (ISS). These critics call for a focus on projects that directly contribute to our understanding of space travel’s impacts on human physiology or further our knowledge of the cosmos.

However, the space agencies involved have been quick to highlight the broader implications of this research. They argue that studying cannabis growth in microgravity could offer invaluable insights into plant biology, stress responses, and the possibility of cultivating a variety of crops in space, which are crucial for the long-term sustainability of space exploration and eventual human settlement on other planetary bodies.

Amidst the debates over the mission’s merits and the speculation spurred by its announcement date—April 1st—lies a deeper curiosity about the future of space exploration and the role of innovative agricultural research in that journey. The timing has led some to question the announcement’s authenticity, pondering whether it could be an elaborate April Fool’s Day jest aimed at sparking discussion or simply a coincidence that has amplified the public’s fascination with the project.

Whether viewed as a bold step into the future of space agriculture or a controversial choice of research focus, the mission symbolizes a growing intersection between space exploration and the quest to understand and utilize biological processes in unprecedented environments. As the launch date approaches and preparations continue, the world watches, eager to see what insights this venture might unfold about cannabis, plant science, and the potential for life beyond Earth.

*** This article is an April Fool’s Day joke ***

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A Hiring Wave on the Horizon




The U.S. cannabis industry is on the brink of a significant hiring wave in 2024, spurred by a 12% increase in legal sales in 2023, reaching $29 billion. This growth, alongside potential federal reclassification of cannabis, is expected to create up to 100,000 new jobs, particularly in the retail sector, where 93% of companies plan to expand their workforce. The Vangst 2024 Cannabis Salary Guide highlights an industry ready to bounce back from previous economic stagnation, with a strong emphasis on experience, adaptability, and cultural fit in prospective employees.

The cannabis sector is poised for a massive expansion in employment opportunities in 2024, following a year of economic challenges and layoffs. This optimistic forecast comes from Vangst’s latest industry salary guide, which anticipates a hiring boom driven by increased legal cannabis sales and the potential for federal rescheduling. The anticipated move to reclassify cannabis to Schedule III could significantly reduce tax burdens, increase company valuations, and attract more investors, according to Viridian Capital Advisors.

Retail cannabis companies are at the forefront of this hiring surge, with nearly all surveyed indicating plans to bolster their teams in response to growing demand and market expansion. The focus is not just on filling positions but on finding candidates who can navigate the evolving legal and market landscape, prioritize cultural fit, and possess strong communication skills over traditional qualifications.

Salaries in the cannabis industry have also seen an uptick, with top-end wages growing by 4.7%, outpacing the national non-cannabis average. However, the sector still trails behind others in offering comprehensive benefits packages, a gap that affects employee satisfaction and retention. The demand for health insurance and better work-life balance is clear among job seekers in the cannabis space.

Diversity and inclusion are gaining traction within cannabis company hiring practices, with a significant portion of companies implementing strategies to create a more inclusive workforce. The industry’s employment of veterans and individuals with disabilities highlights its diverse nature, but there remains room for improvement.

Why It Matters: This hiring wave marks a pivotal moment for the cannabis industry, signaling a shift towards recovery and growth after a period of stagnation. It underscores the industry’s resilience and its potential to contribute significantly to the economy through job creation and increased sales.

Potential Implications: The anticipated hiring boom in the cannabis industry could lead to wider acceptance and normalization of cannabis use, further influencing policy changes and societal attitudes. Additionally, the focus on diversity and inclusion could set a precedent for other sectors, promoting a more inclusive workforce across industries.

Source: Green Market Report

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86% of Californians Support Legal Cannabis Markets




A recent survey conducted by the California Department of Cannabis Control (DCC) and FM3 Research reveals that a significant majority of Californians, 86%, believe it’s important to purchase cannabis from legal markets. The survey also indicates growing support for Proposition 64 and highlights the need for consumer education on legal cannabis procurement.

California, a pioneer in legalizing medical cannabis in 1996 and later adult-use cannabis in 2016, has developed into the world’s largest cannabis market. The DCC’s Real California Cannabis Campaign, aimed at guiding consumers to licensed dispensaries, commissioned FM3 Research to survey over 1,000 California adults to gauge their attitudes towards the state’s cannabis market. Key findings include:

  • 62% view Proposition 64 positively, suggesting increased support for cannabis reform.
  • 86% of respondents stress the importance of buying cannabis from legal sources.
  • 72% feel consumers should ensure they’re purchasing from licensed retailers.
  • Despite the legal market’s size, illegal sales remain prevalent, with two-thirds of cannabis sales in 2022 coming from the illicit market.
  • The California Unified Cannabis Enforcement Taskforce (UCETF) reported significant seizures in 2023, including over $312 million in illegal cannabis and 119 firearms, showcasing efforts to combat illegal operations.
  • The survey uncovered education gaps, with 85% of respondents in areas where retail cannabis is banned either misinformed or unaware of local cannabis laws.
  • Opinions on identifying licensed retailers were divided, with 44% finding it easy and 42% finding it challenging.

Why It Matters: This survey underscores the growing acceptance of legal cannabis markets among Californians and the critical role of consumer education in supporting legal operations. It highlights the ongoing battle against illicit sales and the importance of regulatory efforts to ensure a safe, legal cannabis market.

Potential Implications: The findings could influence future cannabis policies in California, emphasizing the need for public education campaigns and stricter enforcement against illegal operations. It also suggests a potential shift in consumer behavior towards supporting legal cannabis sources, which could further legitimize and stabilize the legal market.

Source: High Times

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