Does cannabis legalization improve mental health? According to a recent study published in Health Economics, the answer is yes, probably. The study found states that legalized cannabis...
The cliché of stoners being couch potatoes, eating chips and watching television for hours was once what everyone thought of people who consumer marijuana. But with the...
The wait is (almost) over! During the September 12, 2023 Cannabis Control Board (CCB) meeting, the CCB announced that New York’s full, adult-use cannabis license application...
Let me set the scene for you: I’m frantically calling cab companies at the Hudson Amtrak station, trying to hitch a ride into Coxsackie, NY, for...
I took my first hit of weed when I was about 14, thanks to my older brother who was 18 at the time. We were constantly...
Cannabis to Schedule 3? Who are the Winners, the Whiners, and the Losers? It has been over a week so how do you feel about...
Grapricot Pie (aka Grape Apricot Pie) is a fairly newcomer on the cannabis circuit, less than a decade old. Showcasing incredible flavor and welcomed effects, the...
The misconceptions about cannabis began in the 1930s caused a massive stigma for the plant-based drug. This stigma is still present now, especially in the population...
New York regulators voted Tuesday to allow the state’s medical marijuana operators to apply for adult-use retail licenses. That means the multistate operators who years ago...
Last week, CLN chatted with long-time cannabis activist and Cannabis Digest contributor Ted Smith on the state of cannabis in Canada. Ted is the founder and owner of...