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US Marijuana Industry Hits All-Time High




New York Gets Cannabis Leadership Change




After a chaotic and, some would say, failed rollout of legal marijuana, the lead official is stepping down

The failed legal marijuana rollout in New York cost taxpaying jobs, state revenues and crushed dreams. It was another painful blow to the weed industry and it made the Governor look foolish as she flailed to find a solution. Finally, New York get cannabis leadership change, but will it be able to fix the issue is anyone’s guess.

RELATED: NY Begs Tech Companies To Solve Their Weed Problem

Chris Alexander, the executive director of New York State Office of Cannabis (OCM) Management, is stepping down in June.  Earlier this month, the governor. announced the OCM will be restructured.  The decision came after an investigation found inefficiencies and mismanagement bungled the transition, costing the state millions.

On the of 1,500+ illicit dispensaries in New York

The state has a strong plan for the transition from medical to recreational market and had worked closed with existing medical dispensaries. Weeks before the change, the OCM scrapped the entire plan and bumbled through a system where the state now has less than 100 legal retailers and over 1,500 illicit dispensaries in NYC alone. BDSA, a leading analyst firm which covers marijuana, estimated last year’s legal and illicit market would have been close to $2 Billion. As it was, the licensed market brought in $175 million.

The change comes at time where thing are moving forward federally with rescheduling, yet the state is struggling. Adding to the pain, the state is grappling with a variety of lawsuits over the chaos. Another issue the office has seen it self as more of advocacy organization, focused on messaging rather than being a state department in charge of licenses of a billion plus dollar segment. Players who wanted to follow the rules so they can build a long term business future feel stymied. Some were shocked to find illicit players sometimes got to jump the line to open licensed stores at the same time they are running ones with no license.

RELATED: California or New York, Which Has The Biggest Marijuana Mess

The change is positive news for the the legal industry and players since New York’s OCM has operated in a persistently opaque and inefficient manner, contributing to the slow growth. For years the office has released conflicting information about its own rules and licensing processes, and hasn’t responded to applicants and licensees in a timely manner.

Time will tell if New York is able to solve the current mess or if this will be another opportunity to cost taxpayers more money.

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Will Marijuana Reschedule Usher In the Blockbuster Era




For a small industry, cannabis has a ton of interesting players.  But will rescheduling force everyone to become grown ups?

The marijuana industry has been around for thousands of years. In the US and Canada it was big until the 30s, then came Reefer Madness, the it was fairly low key until the 60s.  It is a key part of the counterculture era and some players still around from the era see it as more of a cause, something against and the main and pure bliss.  The bros who jumped in around 2017 see it more as a vehicle to being rich (or richer).  Steve D’Angelo, the self declared Father of the Legal Cannabis industry sees it more as yoga, a positive which “big companies” will ruin.  With rescheduling the industry will transform again, but is it moving to the Blockbuster Era?

RELATED: Science Says Medical Marijuana Improves Quality Of Life

When home video burst into the scene, it quickly gave birth to thousands of mom and pop stores who sold and rented videos. In every neighborhood one popped up and some areas had mini/local chains. This small stores helped fill and increase consumer demand. Blockbuster entered the market and soon took a commanding presence.  Following McDonald’s Ray Kroc‘s expansion philosophy, they grew quickly. At one point they were opening a new store every 24 hours. Due to size, technology and resources, they also quickly shut down the majority of their small competitors.

With rescheduling, Safer Banking and potentially more, bigger players and the mainstream industry will be taking a harder look. The industry is full of mom and pop businesses who are struggling without the resources to grow and compete for customers. Dispensaries have it hard, and yet there are few chains.  But a couple of major players coming in – a Total Wine, a Bev Mo, and all the sudden the average consumer, which makes up 90 percent of the market, is picking up a vape, a 6 pack, dinner, detergent and a $15 bottle of wine for dinner. In one stop.

“Looking out twenty years, we expect the current dispensary model to either not exist or evolve substantially. Cannabis will be sold directly to consumers (like wine clubs) and may be accessible in grocery stores, convenience stores, and online. The days of standing in line and waiting to show your ID to an armed guard before entering the waiting room are numbered.” shared Jesse Redmond, Managing Director Water Tower Research.

Another example are beer speciality stores. Even big cities like Chicago, Dallas and Seattle have less than a dozen retailers who specialize in just beer. There are over 100 distinct styles of beer, from light blond ales to creamy stouts. This doesn’t count all the brands.  Yet, beer is sold primarily at grocery, convenience and gas retailers. Their entry into the market will be a boon for brands, but troubling for dispensaries.

“Looking out twenty years, we expect the current dispensary model to either not exist or evolve substantially. Cannabis will be sold directly to consumers (like wine clubs) and may be accessible in grocery stores, convenience stores, and online. The days of standing in line and waiting to show your ID to an armed guard before entering the waiting room are numbered.”

RELATED: California or New York, Which Has The Biggest Marijuana Mess

In fact, the downfall of Blockbuster were grocery stores. Seeing the success of the video store, food chains began offering videos for rent of purchase, you could pick up dinner, drinks and movie in one location. The majority of the public like how easy it was and Blockbuster joined the mom and pop stores they squashed and eventually closed.

The winner are the big brands who appeal to a large customer base, they will be carried and sold in huge numbers.

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Can Marijuana Give A Break From All The Drama




It is a summer of political news, students protests, family gathering and just every day drama – can marijuana help with a temporary break?

This summer will be filled with ongoing political news as the presidential election is in the fall. Add oversees wars and campus protests and conversations with some people could be fraught with drama. And summer is the time of family gatherings, birthdays, weddings or a 4th of July picnic, it can be stressful. Can marijuana give a break from all the drama. The answer is heck yes! And you will feel better than overindulging in booze.

RELATED: Beer Sales Flatten Thanks To Marijuana

While taking a break, breathing, or going for a walk can help, sometimes you get overwhelmed. Avoiding putting yourself in these situations by reducing your news and social media input, putting boundaries around certain people and other healthy habits are import, a quick, easy solution is needed in some situations. Cannabis can provide a temporary relief as it is a proven help against anxiety. To use this tool, there are a few things to know and also not to be over reliant on it as a solution.

Photo by Anton Petrus/Getty Images

Part of the way marijuana chills you out with the active cannabinoid THC. It acts through cannabinoid receptors which activates the brain’s reward system. These includes regions that govern the response to healthy pleasurable behaviors.  It also adjusts perception of time, which is what makes movies and music sound better as it allows you to stop and really absorb the moment.

The younger generation has taken advantage of consumption methods to have marijuana on-the-go.  Vaping is the second, and trends show soon to be first, most popular method of use.  Like gummies (the third most popular way to consume), it is easy, discreet and portable for those with an active lifestyle. You can also manage dosing so you are not too high or suddenly have couch lock.

Done right, a high, even a moderate one, can last 2-10 hours.  Smoking a joint provides the quickest and most powerful, while a gummy takes 30-45 minutes to kick it, but it is much easier to manage the dosage. Vaping is a way to maintain a steady chill.

RELATED: 8 Ways to Enjoy Marijuana Without Smoking It

One good thing about taking a “time out” and breathing from the drama, it is a better on our mental and physical health.

One recent survey discovered

  • 1 in 5 had lost sleep over politics
  • 20 percent reported feeling fatigued because of political news
  • 29 percent reported losing their temper over politics
  • One quarter said they felt hateful toward those with opposing political views
  • More than 20 percent have had political disagreements damage their friendships

However you do it, be mindful of where you are and make sure you don’t let outside forces squash you happiness and enjoyment of each day.

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