The swirl of myths around legal marijuana has been around since the 1920s and Reefer Madness, but now a new study ends one In the 1930s...
Christmas cookies are acquired two ways by most Italian-Americans: someone painstakingly bakes them with love and some colorful language, or someone has to wait on line...
There seems to be bi-partisian support for medical marijuana to be an aide in treating PTSD. The VA Medicinal Cannabis Research Act was introduced during summer...
An estimated 20.9% of Canadian and US adults live in chronic pain – and constantly search for a little relief….here is how to maximize help Over...
When you crack and relax and maybe consume some marijuana, it seems times stands still. THC does play a little bit of a mind trip which...
Once it was something you had to go outside since you “forgot something in the car” – but now it has totally mainstreamed The holidays have been...
It is the time to play Santa to friends and family – but before you put a little special extra special under tree – you might want...
It has been reported 55.4 Million Americans are expected to travel this Thanksgiving holiday. This forecast is a 2.3% increase over last year, the third highest since...
Cyber Monday and Black Friday aren’t the only big holidays for fans of marijuana – hello Green Wednesday Up until around 2010, Black Friday was the...
It has been all the rage since the early 2000s and a chance to spend tend to the choose close people over family. Friendsgiving is a...