Like wine, whiskey, tequila and a few other things, there are casual users and serious, serious users. A concentrate is for the experienced user who can...
People love THC for the fun – but if you look past it, there are other benefits Marijuana is becoming increasing popular and over 85% believe...
Beer is universal, it is the 3rd most consumed fluid behind water and tea (surprise – not coffee). China, the US and Brazil lead the world...
Weather, work, crazy prices – all causing folks to watch the eclipse online or not at all – here are 8 strains to gently lift your...
So days are more challenging than others and your brain goes into overdrive. They can help, but how quick can a cannabis gummy calm you down....
Some people get a case of the blues or the blahs. But blaming anhedonia on cannabis isn’t really based in science. The blues, the blahs, depression,...
The GOP’s argument against marijuana took a body blow from Germany Running against the grain of public sentiment, some members of the GOP are fighting against...
Living in a state with legal medical marijuana could mean you’re more likely to have sex, according to a study published in the Journal of Health...
Yet another major country has legalized marijuana – hopefully the DEA is paying attention. Here are some expert’s take on where it stands. Another major country...
Roughly 2.6% (139.8 million) of adults worldwide some form of ADHD. With the Adderall shortage, what are the options? In October 2022, the US Food and...