A bong is a waterpipe that has been used to smoke dry herbs, including tobacco and other dried plants for centuries. Having gained popularity within the...
When “The Sopranos” aired its series finale in 2007, it left viewers with a cliffhanger that sparked intense debate and speculation. The infamous cut-to-black ending, while...
More than likely, the strain in your stash jar will be a distant relative of Skunk #1. To learn about the groundbreaking developments of the first...
Study Shows That Psilocybin Helps Treat Symptoms Of Childhood Trauma According to studies, a majority of adults suffer from symptoms of childhood trauma. A...
In a highly anticipated development, the third round of licensing for D.C.’s expanded medical cannabis program officially commenced last week, as reported by LJ Dawson for...
90 points out of 100 Price: $18 per package of 10 gummies Wyld’s Sour Cherry gummies pack all the tang and sweetness of your favorite candy...
93 points out of 100 Fall 2023 Price: $45 With a sweet, flavorful smoke that bears notes of citrus and pine, this buzzy sativa lifts you...
84 points out of 100 Fall 2023 Price: $10/one gram joint For a $10 pre-roll, this one isn’t too bad. Lolo, based in San Francisco, prides...
A recent statistical analysis from the publication Quartz Advisors found that traffic fatalities declined or remained constant after states adopted recreational cannabis laws. The analysis—focused on...
It seems a lot of people hate the drink and yet it remains seriously popular. But sometimes you need break, so here are 5 fall drinks to replace...