In 1970, a groundbreaking discovery unfolded within the hallowed halls of the University of Oxford as researchers delving into cannabis stumbled upon a chemical compound that...
Of all the holidays, Halloween ranks #5 in terms of overall alcohol consumption. Something while you think about your costume and then put on your costume....
Since spooky season is upon us, it won’t be long before everyone is indulging themselves in their favorite sweet treats. And for many of us, those...
Halloween is here and during the week – so you have a whole pre weekend to enjoy the boo-tiful season. Why not spend an evening (or...
Unlike alcohol, cannabis has medical benefits….so what is the real reason people are buying marijuana? Marijuana has become mainstream, but the old stigma still sticks around...
It’s high time for pharmaceutical companies that have been exposed for misleading the public to face the consequences. According to a recent report from ConsumerShield, the...
Cannabis has been one of my closest allies for almost 20 years now. We’ve evolved together – from reckless teen getting too high too often, to...
Eleven former high-ranking officials, including six ex-DEA heads and five former White House drug czars, have opposed the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ recommendation...
States that legalized marijuana in 2016 saw meaningful declines in traffic fatalities during the years immediately following the policy change, according to a new study by...
Vaping is the most popular way to consume marijuana among the Gen Z and Millennials. Here is how to get the most for your spend Call...