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Chill On National Unplug Day With A Gummy



Today is the day to pull the plug on your electronic devices, kick back and enjoy life in real time. It promotes giving our brain, body and eyes a chance to heal and readjust to life in the moment. What better way to start March then letting your mind be an unfettered playground. Science has long been clear excessive screen time is not healthy, so why not chill on National Unplug Day with a gummy.

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Over the last 15 years, most everyone of all generations has slowly become attached to digital devices. While it has done wonders in the day to day business of work, banking, and staying connected to friends and family, screen times also agitates the brain.  Marijuana’s key psychoactive ingredient is THC. It stimulates the part of your brain responding to pleasure, like food and sex. This unleashes a chemical called dopamine, which gives you a euphoric, relaxed feeling.

Multi-Tasking Is Worse For Productivity Than Smoking Marijuana
Photo by Tranmautritam via Pexels

The National Day of Unplugging started in 2009 in partnership with Jewish arts and culture non-profit Reboot and Sabbath Manifesto. The event draws on the Jewish tradition of observing a weekly day of rest, called Shabbat. In Jewish culture, Shabbat is typically observed from sunset on Friday evening until nightfall on Saturday.

The term digital native refers to people who have grown up using digital technology, and are therefore highly comfortable with and possibly dependent on it. So various generations have a different relationships screens.  But across the board, a little break is positive.

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Science has shown unplugging is positive for you and can make you happier and more productive.  Some of the reasons include

Screen time disrupts sleep and desynchronizes the body clock.
Because light from screen devices mimics daytime, it suppresses melatonin, a sleep signal released by darkness. Screen stimulation can delay melatonin release, desynchronizing the body clock. Once disrupted it can effect deep sleep which is how the mind and body heals.

Screen time desensitizes the brain’s reward system.
Gaming releases so much dopamine—the “feel-good” chemical. But when reward pathways are overused, they become less sensitive, and more and more stimulation is needed to experience pleasure. Meanwhile, dopamine is also critical for focus and motivation, so needless to say, even small changes in dopamine sensitivity can wreak havoc on you function.

Screen time induces stress reactions.
Both acute stress (fight-or-flight) and chronic stress produce changes in brain chemistry and hormones that can increase irritability. Indeed, cortisol, the chronic stress hormone, seems to be both a cause and an effect of depression—creating a vicious cycle. Additionally, both hyperarousal and addiction pathways suppress the brain’s frontal lobe, the area where mood regulation actually takes place.

Marijuana gummies on the other hand, have a chill effect, and, thanks to data from BDSA, we also know they are the most popular way people, especially those under 45, consume. So give your body and mind a break and chill on national unplug day with a gummy.

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Does Lizzo Consume Weed – The Fresh Toast




She has won Grammys and awards from BET, BillBoard and more while redefining enticing. But does she consume weed?

She burst into the mainstream in 2019 with her third studio album, Cuz I Love You and has been making waves ever since. Resetting standards of how a female music star needs to look and behave, she has been the center of ongoing dissuasions.  Through all this, you wonder does Lizzo consume weed to chill and relax. She has attracted legends of fans called Lizzbians, a number of social media trolls and Grammys, BET awards, Billboards Awards and appearance on SLN, Ugly Dolls, Hustlers, and more  . She rode another wave of popularity when she featured an original single titled Pink in the Barbie movie.

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She started her career in hip hop music. After doing a couple of studio albums, she signed with  with Nice Life Recording Company and Atlantic Records releasing Coconut Play.The album spawned the singles Juice and Tempo. The deluxe version of Cuz I Love You topped the US Billboard Hot 100 and became the longest-leading solo song by a female rapper. In 2021, Lizzo released the single Rumors (featuring Cardi B), which debuted in the top five of the Billboard Hot 100. Her fourth studio album, Special (2022), was preceded by its lead single “About Damn Time“, which reached number one on the Billboard Hot 100 and made Lizzo the first black female singer since Whitney Houston in 1994 to win the Grammy Award for Record of the Year.

Sir Chidi and Lizzo

Like everything in her life it seems, she is unabashed about her use of marijuana. Her Instagram shares she is on a fan consuming and treats it just like drinking wine. She has even been cheeky about her use including wink wink tweets about marijuana suppositories.

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Lizzo grew up attending the Church of God in Christ but has since embraced a more open concept where she sings hip hop mixed with soul and blues. Lizzo being so open about herself and weed use is similar to the late Mama Cass, who refined talent, fun and what is like to be a celebrity.


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Could You Help Your Lips With CBD Balm




Spring has arrived and so has the sunny.  While most want to soak in the rays – your lips might need a bit of help.

The summer sun brings out the kid in us, water activities, sun bathing, sports, or just long walks….but our lips might not be so excited. Lips are vulnerable to EV rays and often get forgotten. The skin on the lips can’t produce its own natural moisture or protective oils, making it more prone to drying out, so it is important to give them a little assistance.  Could you help your lips with CBD balm…yes, and here is why.

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From simple Chapstick to Chanel lip balms, the global market in just lips balms (not counting lipstick, glosses, and other lip products) is expected to hit close to $850 million this year.  Not only do the products help the lips stay healthy, they can prevent cancer with a sun screen, so it is important.  A CBD lip balm can have extra benefits.

this company is transforming lip balm into a luxury cannabis brand
Photo by StockSnap via Pixabay

It’s antibacterial and antioxidant

CBD is known for its antibacterial and antioxidant properties, which, when applied to lip balm, lead to more protection for your skin and to reducing element overexposure. When experiencing symptoms of the flu, cold sores, inflammation or allergies, CBD lip balm can reduce redness and irritation.

The oil is packed with vitamins

Most CBD products are full of vitamins like A, C and E and hemp oil. These vitamins promote healthy skin and slow down its natural aging process.  It gives them a healthy appearance and a natural glow.

Everything You Should Know About CBD Lip Balm
Photo by Matthew Henry via Stocksnap

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It prevents flaky lips

Drinking enough water is key to keep your body hydrated, especially in the heat. Lips are one of the first places to show signs of dehydration. Good lip balms provide the pathway avoiding them becoming dry and flaky. Lip balms with quality CBD oil creates a seal which can make your lips moist for longer periods of time.

It can treat severely chapped lips

Things happen and before you know it, the lips are painful and chapped. A CBD balm can can help severely chapped thanks to CBD’s healing properties. Unlike the compounds found in everyday lip balms, CBD oil can treat skin blemishes much faster, helping heal superficial cuts, protecting you against weather and more.

Could you help your lips with CBD balm, you bet your summer smile it can.


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Key Things To Know About Hemp And Marijuana Drinks




Hemp and marijuana beverages represent about $4 billion in sales and are only going to get bigger.  Tasty, intoxicating, and available in most states, here are some key things to know about hemp and marijuana drinks. You might enjoy either or both, but where, how and what happens varies between the two.

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Hemp or CBD drinks are created by infusing hemp extract, derived from the cannabis plant, into a liquid base. The most popular hemp-infused drinks include water, juice, tea, and coffee. One of the big differences between marijuana and hemp drinks is the “high”. With  Delta-9 hemp, consumers tend to have a more intense experience and comes on faster than THC.  It is a euphoric high when altered sensory perception and a sense of relaxation.

study proves that cbd reduces some of the mental impairment caused by thc
Photo by MysteryShot/Getty Images

THC or marijuana drinks require digestion (like an edible) for the THC to hit the bloodstream. It takes between 15-20 minutes to kick in, with the effects peaking after approximately 45 minutes. The high from marijuana beverage can be unpredictable, and potentially more intense.

Another big difference is 47 of the 50 U.S. states and DC have legalized the sale and use of hemp-derived CBD products. Bayou City in Texas is a huge brand which sales in mainstream retailers.  Cannabis drinks, a growing market but still way behind gummies, can only be purchased in the 24 legal recreational states.

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Additional scientists determined liners inside aluminum cans cause the drinks to lose their potency. These liners are used for different reasons, among them extending the product’s shelf life, preventing the corrosion of the can and, most importantly, protecting the flavor of the drinks themselves. Without these liners, the natural metallic taste of aluminum would seep into the drinks.

“Our theory is the cannabis material, the droplets, will stick to the liner and cling on it. When you open the can to take a drink, it will lose its potency,” said Vertosa founder, Harold Han.

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