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Decoding Dosages: Understanding Potency In Cannabis Edibles 



Cannabis use in the medical and wellness industries is constantly growing. Along with its popularity is the development of various products, like edibles, with different potency levels to accommodate specific needs. 

Cannabis edibles have gained popularity for their discreet and diverse forms, providing a smoke-free option for consumption. However, understanding and gauging their potency can be tricky, especially for first-time users. 

Understanding the dosages and potencies of cannabis edibles is crucial to maximizing their health and wellness benefits. That said, here’s a quick guide for safe and healthy consumption. 

Cannabis Edibles Basics 

Cannabis edibles are food products infused with cannabinoids – compounds derived from cannabis. Some evidence suggests that its usage dates back thousands of years. However, its legalization for medical and recreational use has recently sparked progressive use. 

Experts from trusted cannabis dispensaries can provide a complete Edibles Guide. Meanwhile, here’s a more comprehensive list of the most common types of cannabis edibles, each offering unique experiences: 

  • Baked Goods: Baked goods like brownies, cookies, and muffins are often the go-to choice for many consumers. They are typically infused with cannabis butter or oil and offer a tasty way to ingest cannabis. 
  • Gummies and Candies: These are popular for their convenience and variety of flavors. From gummy bears to lollipops, these sweet treats are infused with a specific amount of cannabinoids, making dosage control straightforward. 
  • Chocolates: Cannabis-infused chocolates are another fan favorite. They combine the delightful experience of eating chocolate with the effects of cannabis. They’re available in various potency levels to cater to both novice and experienced users. 
  • Beverages: From cannabis-infused teas and coffees to sodas and elixirs, these drinks offer a different way to consume cannabis. They are typically slower to take effect but provide a unique and often refreshing experience. 
  • Savory Snacks: Cannabis-infused savory snacks like popcorn, chips, or cheese bites offer an alternative for those who prefer something less sugary. 

The diverse options in cannabis edibles are the results of years of innovation by cannabis experts. Founder, Alexander Farnsworth of a fine cannabis company, along with other innovators in the cannabis industry, paved the way for developing various cannabis products to suit everyone’s palate. 

Due to a wide range of product diversity, emphasizing the importance of understanding potency is crucial. Different products can have vastly different concentrations of THC and CBD, making education and responsible consumption paramount. 

Understanding Cannabis Potency 

Potency in cannabis edibles refers to the concentration of cannabinoids, primarily THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (Cannabidiol), typically measured in milligrams (mg) per serving. THC produces psychoactive effects, while CBD is non-intoxicating. Both are recognized for their potential therapeutic benefits. 

However, the potency of cannabis edibles isn’t solely determined by their THC or CBD content. Several factors influence how potent an edible might seem: 

  • Cannabis Strain: Cannabis strains have varying levels of cannabinoids. Some strains are high in THC and low in CBD, while others might have a more balanced or reversed ratio. The strain used in producing the edible will significantly affect its overall potency. 
  • Extraction Method: The method of cannabinoid extraction can also influence potency. Some processes are more efficient, resulting in higher cannabinoid concentrations. For example, CO2 extraction is often hailed as the most effective method, preserving and isolating the cannabinoids better than other techniques. 
  • Decarboxylation: This process involves applying heat to raw cannabis to activate the cannabinoids, a crucial step in making edibles. The duration and temperature of decarboxylation can affect how much THC and CBD are activated, thus impacting the potency. 
  • Preparation Process: How cannabis is incorporated into the edible can influence potency. For example, if cannabis butter is used, the concentration could vary based on how well the cannabis was infused into the butter. 
  • Storage Conditions: Just like many other food products, the potency of cannabis edibles can be affected by how they are stored. Prolonged exposure to light, air, and high temperatures can degrade cannabinoids over time, reducing the product’s potency. 

Understanding these factors helps elucidate why different edibles can have varying effects despite having similar THC or CBD concentrations. This emphasizes the importance of responsible consumption and the need to consider factors beyond just the numbers on a product’s label. 

Impact Of Potency Levels On The Body 

The potency of cannabis edible determines the intensity of the experience by influencing various physical and psychological effects. Here’s a closer look at how cannabis potency impacts the body: 

  • Psychoactive Effects: High-potency edibles containing large amounts of THC can produce pronounced psychoactive effects. These can include euphoria, altered perception, and, in some cases, anxiety or paranoia. On the other hand, low-potency or CBD-dominant edibles may have milder or no psychoactive effects. 
  • Physical Effects: Depending on the potency, cannabis edibles can also cause several physical effects. These might include dry mouth, red eyes, increased heart rate, coordination problems, and, in the case of high doses, even dizziness or fainting. 
  • Therapeutic Effects: Many people use cannabis for its potential therapeutic effects. High-CBD edibles can help relieve pain, inflammation, and anxiety without producing a ‘high.’ Meanwhile, high-THC edibles might be used for conditions like insomnia or loss of appetite. 
  • Duration of Effects: The potency of an edible can also influence how long its effects last. Generally, the higher the THC concentration, the longer you can expect the effects to last. However, factors such as metabolism, tolerance, and food intake can also play a role. 
  • Onset of Effects: Interestingly, the potency can impact how quickly you feel the effects. While most edibles take 30 minutes to one hour to take effect, a very high-potency edible may produce noticeable effects more quickly. 

Understanding how different potencies can impact the body is crucial in choosing the right edible dosage for your individual needs and tolerance.  

Dosage Recommendations 

For beginners, experts usually recommend starting with a lower dose, typically between 1-5mg of THC. More experienced or frequent consumers may opt for higher dosages, but caution is still advised. If you’re taking edibles for medical use, follow your prescription to maximize its effects and minimize risks. 

Aside from safety considerations, consuming safe dosage is crucial for a pleasant cannabis experience. Starting low is best, especially for first-timers. Low and slow consumption helps maximize benefits while minimizing adverse effects. 

The Role Of Regulation In Ensuring Safe Consumption 

Regulation plays an important role in the safe consumption of cannabis edibles. In many regions where cannabis is legal, regulatory bodies oversee the production and labeling of these products. They set limits for THC concentration and help ensure that consumers know the potency of the products they purchase. 


Understanding the potency of cannabis edibles is pivotal for safe and enjoyable consumption. Buying from licensed cannabis dispensaries can help ensure that the edibles’ potency is accurate, reducing the risk of overconsumption. Reaching out to a health professional is also advised for a safer cannabis experience.

Author’s Bio:

Jake Sullivan is a cannabis enthusiast and an expert in understanding the potency in cannabis edibles. With a background in cannabis research and education.

The post Decoding Dosages: Understanding Potency In Cannabis Edibles  appeared first on United Patients Group.

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Can CBD Oils Help With Anxiety & Depression




War, relationships, political news, work at home or office, all adding to the stress of life.  For some, they can manage it and move forward, for others, it can be a pit of sadness…but most it seems experience anxiety and depression at some point. In a surprise, the Census Bureau’s Household Pulse Survey finds  half (50%) of adults ages 18-24 reported anxiety and depression symptoms. It can causes sleep deprivation, loss of energy, and high blood pressure and general uneasiness.

It is tough to deal with it while maintain your life. It is always good to talk to a trained medical professional and there are prescriptions, but can CBD oils help with anxiety & depression?

california's absurd stance on CBD cosmetics
Photo by Anshu A via Unsplash

What Is CBD?

Cannabidiol(CBD) can be extracted from cannabis plants, marijuana leaves, and hemp flowers. CBD products act as a natural remedy.  By consuming or using this product you will not get high or have any psychotic reaction. Numerous studies have been carried out on different products of CBD and a quality check has also been approved by the FDA.

Reports say that CBD has less than 0.3 % THC, which is very safe than a lot of other drugs and pills that are taken for mental health.

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CBD products are now legally consumed and distributed in many states and countries. The list includes countries like German, Canada, Denmark, Sweden, The USA & The UK.

Just like different brands of marijuana, there are also various brands of CBD oils available.

In the USA you can only use CBD products for medical purposes. It has to be prescribed by a licensed doctor for you to buy and consume it.

If your state has legalized the sale and consumption of cannabis products then it will be easier to find CBD oils in some particular cannabis clinics, shops, and online stores like CBD Oil Uk.

The Difference Between Stress And Anxiety

Stress is a short-term ailment that can happen regularly or once in a while and does not cause any serious damages. Besides, it can be managed easily.

If you face problems like frustration, exhaustion, muscle pain, digestive issues, and difficulty sleeping frequently then it is likely you are dealing with stress.

Anxiety is more severe than stress. It can not be alleviated easily. Instead, it is considered as non-stop excessive worry and fear even when everything is perfectly fine in your life.

Anxiety leads to a set of symptoms that are almost identical to stress but very serious. These include insomnia, difficulty in concentration, fatigue, and muscle tension.

It is important to differentiate the signs of stress and anxiety. Stress is a common cause of anxiety and to avoid anxiety symptoms, it is important to catch them early.

person holding amber glass bottle
Photo by Christin Hume via Unsplash

How CBD Products Can Help

Here are 4 ways CBD products can help reduce anxiety and depression-

1.CBD Improves Your Sleep Cycle

People suffering from anxiety often complain about the lack of sleep.

Excessive anxiety often interrupts your sleep cycle and lack of sleep can, in turn, result in more anxiety.

CBD has claimed to reduce anxiety levels. It has even shown positive results in clinical trials that is why the FDA has approved CBD in the first place.

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CBD helps calm our minds and increases the chances of falling asleep naturally and without any disruption.

Also, studies have proven that little extra dosage of CBD creates a sedative effect on your body and helps to sleep and lets your brain rest. CBD products are now used to treat people with insomnia as well.

2.CBD Reduces Pain & Inflammation

Earlier we have discussed that stress and anxiety can cause muscle pain, headaches, and chronic inflammation.

CBD products are completely natural. The products have been proven to be a muscle relaxant and work better than any standard painkillers since it has no side effects.

CBD also works as anti-inflammatory drugs. It controls cytokine production which is generally responsible for various inflammatory diseases in our body.

This increased inflammation is also connected to higher levels of anxiety. Just like sleep and anxiety, this one is also a chain reaction.

Inflammatory diseases like psoriasis and arthritis can cause depression and anxiety in the long run. CBD oil helps to reduce inflammation and pain by reducing cytokine and affecting CB-2 receptors. This reduces pain and decreases the chance of getting an anxiety attack.

3. CBD improves mood

CBD is considered as a “Neuroprotective” material. “Neuroprotective” actually means it will protect nerve cells by keeping a safe functioning state of the nervous system.

Moreover, it decreases the oxidative stress of your brain.

By keeping your negative emotions in check, CBD helps you to improve your mood and keeps your brain calm and relaxed. It reduces unnecessary stress and anxiety.

4. CBD Helps Enhance Metabolism

If you have a poor digestive and metabolism system, it will affect your quality of life.

It will make you feel bloated and lethargic. Illness disrupts the natural functioning of your body and if it becomes more serious it causes stress and ultimately, leads to anxiety.

If you start consuming CBD regularly, it will improve your metabolism, burn unnecessary fat, and make you feel better.

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How To Choose CBD Products

CBD has various types of products in the market including oil, tablets, edibles, beverages, creams, and vape. Although the overall vape sales slowed down during this year. Things are starting to look better.

But still, the CBD oils are the most popular ones by a large margin. Each of the types provides almost the same benefits with some unique advantages of their own.  CBD oils have to be consumed daily and provide the most health benefits. They are also the most concentrated ones.  CBD gummies are sweet and take a long time to take effect. CBD lotions are best for exterior physical discomfort.

Depending on your medical condition, you should consult with a healthcare professional who has experience with CBD to choose the right product.


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Can CBD Help With An Overactive Bladder




From watching a movie, going to live sports or performances to car trip, the frequent need to go can disrupt day to day life in big and little ways. Over 33 million Canadians and Americans live with overactive bladder disease (OAB).  While not as life-threating as other issues, it can make like miserable.  Having OAB, or spastic bladder, is so big over $3 billion is spent annually trying to help those who suffer. The two key medicines often prescribed have rough side effects, so can CBD help with an overactive bladder?

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Symptoms include frequent urination (8+ times in 24 hours) and a a sudden hard to control urge to go.  Another is getting up more than twice in the night to head to the bathroom. It is normal to go once a night in your 40s and 50s, twice a night in your 60s and 70s and even two to three times a night in your 80s and beyond. But waking up too often in the night can keep you from getting enough sleep and is sometimes a sign of a health condition.

Photo by Anderson Rian via Unsplash

CBD can help in certain situations.  Aside from the natural aging process, causes of OAB including menopause, an enlarged prostate, neurologic disease and smoking.  Short term causes can include drinking too many fluids, caffeine, and spicy foods.  CBD can help in some of the root issues.

CBD can have an impact on the signals between your brain and bladder. If it’s a signaling disconnect (neurologic) causing the detrusor muscle to spasm and contract erratically, cannabinoids may help reduce the number of misfires that make your bladder run on overdrive.

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Researchers have found the body has receptors for the cannabinoids CB1 and CB2 in the brain and bladder, as well as in other parts of the body. CB1, and to a lesser extent CB2, work at various levels on the detrusor muscles. Research is pointing toward the conclusion that CB1 receptors do have an impact on urination, and their manipulation with cannabinoids from marijuana has promise for treating OAB.

CBD can help regulate the body’s inflammatory response and reduce neuroinflammation, thus reducing the need to go. Neuroinflammation, in particular, is associated with multiple sclerosis (MS) and Parkinson’s disease. These conditions can involve an increased risk of overactive bladder.

It is always wise to work with a trained health care provider on frequency and dosage amounts.

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These 5 Woman Are Changing 4/20




The marijuana industry is still driven by men – but these 5 woman are changing 4/20 and upending the industry by focusing on the future.

Since it started becoming legal, the marijuana industry has been filled with bros trying to run everything.  Some smart, some shysters – they have had an oversized say in the direction of where legal marijuana is going.  But woman are having a moment, and a huge impact in the millions of newly legal consumers.  Be it in imagine, politics, or products, woman are making game changing changes on how cannabis is mainstreaming.  When 4/20 started in, the landscape was way different, the 5 woman are changing 4/20 today to a bigger, more mainstream celebration.

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Nancy Whitman

Nancy Whitman

Nancy co-founded Wana Brands in 2010, elevating it from her kitchen to an international cannabis edible powerhouse. With North America’s largest distribution footprint, it is a top international brand available in 17 U.S. states, the U.S. territory of Puerto Rico and nine Canadian provinces and territories, generating close to $300 million in retail sales annually across more than 3,000 dispensaries.

As a pioneer in the legal cannabis market, she has shown again and again commitment to research and crafting safe, innovative products. She understands the millions of canna-newbies who is looking for something to pair perfectly with the their non-stoner lifestyle.  Under her leadership, Wana was acquired by Canopy Grow, which is owned in part by alcohol behemoth Constellation.

Nancy’s inclusive vision led to an executive team that is 70% female, a rarity in the industry and reflective of her dedication to diversity. Her unique insights have given Wana an advantage as she understand the average consumer, which makes up the bulk of the market.

Senator Patty Murray

Sen. Patty Murray
Photo by Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images

In the old boys club of Congress, Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) has risen in the ranks thanks to a willingness to focus on a solving problems, thinking of the average citizen and wielding her knowledge and strength.  As the third most powerful person in the Senate, she is working with Senate Leader Schumer (D-NY) and a bipartisian group to make significant inroads into federal marijuana policy. Long a champion of veterans, this will benefits those who have served who suffer from PSTD.

Shawna Seldon McGregor


In a sometimes rough and tumble industry with some wacky players, it is good to have a public relations firm you can trust. Mirroring the mainstream industry, Maverick PR, has helped the industry move past the old stoner, bro imagine and move into today. Founded by Shawna Weldon McGregor, she has become the consul to industry executives and a media whisper to keep the good players growing. Shawna’s ability to make marijuana messaging mainstream has been a hallmark of her career. Since the inception of adult use in Colorado, she has led effective publicity campaigns for top brands including Wana, Native Roots, Deep Roots Harvest and Botani.  Trusted by leaders, she has been able to understand and guide companies into changes like California sober.  Her understand of consumers and media has been invaluable to leaders.

Debra Borchardt

Debra Borchardt

Debra Brochardt was a respected media voice on Wall Street when she jumped in the marijuana world founding Green Market Report. Premiering at time when the industry was still shady and, as one executive said, people would come to meetings and put a gun down, she brought reason and truth to the table. Known for her straight reporting, she has taken on corruption, crazy leaders, and complicated financial deals. Venerable media company, Crains, recognizing the growth of market, acquired the asset and has only helped Brochardt reach her vision. Highlighting legit good companies, Green Market Report has become a must read for investors, politicians, and executives.

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Pamela Hart

Pamela Hart

With a talent for organization and building infrastructures, Hart jumped into the industry in 2015. Seeing an opportunity to be build infrastructures and platforms she brought her management skills to a variety of companies. As COO of Keneh Ventures She has helped review, fund and partial advisement for some of the investments including GoFire and AI startup WeDream World. Understanding the mainstream appeal, she has been a champion of Cannabition, a state of the art cannabis immersive experience opening next to Planet 13 in Las Vegas. She now has added Managing partner and operations manager of the exhibition alongside her other duties. She shared over the last 8 years the priorities of entrepreneurs and investors have matured as the market for cannabis has grown and become accepted by the general population. 

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