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Like Marijuana, Sleep Deprivation Can Trigger The Munchies



Up to 75 million of adults in Canada and the US suffer sleep issues with almost 40% unexpectedly dozing off at some point during the day at least once a month. Sleep deficiency can disrupt our mental process making work, school, driving, and social functioning more challenging. And you could wind up gaining way, study show like marijuana, sleep deprivation can trigger the munchies.

Previous research has linked not getting enough sleep with nighttime snacking and junk food cravings. But a study published in eLife journal examined the neural pathways connected munchie symptoms and sleep deprivation. When individuals received only four hours of sleep instead of the recommended eight hours, it increased certain compounds in the body’s endocannabinoid system that want high-calorie foods.

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The endocannabinoid system, or ECS for short, regulates various biological processes to like sleep, appetite, internal temperature, and more. All mammals have an ECS, not just humans. These functions receive adjustments through endocannabinoids, which your body creates naturally and similar to the phytocannabinoids in marijuana. When you smoke marijuana, it activates these receptors, making your body crave high-calorie foods. According to this study, sleep deprivation works much in the same way.

To begin the study, researchers asked 25 subjects to receive seven to nine hours of sleep each night for a week. The following week researchers randomly assigned half of the participants to sleep four hours certain nights and kept the other half on standard sleep schedules. In a cruel temptation, researchers then had everyone from the study eat from a buffet, where their food choices were monitored, included what foods they ate and how much of it.

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Sleep deprivation didn’t necessarily increase the amount of food participants ate, the study found. But it did affect the kinds of foods they chose, often opting for fattier and higher-calorie foods.

“Importantly, effects of sleep deprivation on dietary behavior persisted into the next day (after a night of unrestricted recovery sleep), with a higher percentage of calories consumed,” researchers wrote.

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Scientists also conducted fMRI scans regularly throughout the study to track the brain’s olfactory system. Participants were exposed to a variety of odors and were tracked for their reactions. Those who were sleep deprived had far stronger reactions to food odor than all other odors.

“Taken together, our findings show that sleep-dependent changes in food choices are associated with changes in an olfactory pathway that is related to the ECS,” researchers wrote. “This pathway is likely not restricted to sleep-dependent changes in food intake but may also account for dietary decisions more generally. In this regard, our current findings may help to guide the identification of novel targets for treatments of obesity.”

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9 Ways Cannabis Enhances Your Day




Nothing like a fresh start to your day, week and year.  For many, marijuana is increasing part of the making it a great day.  Here are some reasons why

Science has proven cannabis has benefits and more research is being done to learn more. For over a thousand years, the plant has been valued as medicine and for its psychoactive properties for religious and recreational use. It has a longer history than pasta, beer and Hallmark movies. From medical help to anxiety relievers, it has a way of making life better.  Here are 9 ways cannabis enhances your day.

Increased Energy Levels  

While cannabis is usually associated with relaxing, many people use cannabis for energy. Some cannabis strains contain terpenes like limonene and pinene can boost your mood and energize your mind. Look for strains with specific terpenes found in Sativa-type strains to help give you extra boost to conquer your day.

marijuana nug
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Improved Appetite  

If you aren’t eating enough food, you won’t have sufficient energy to make it through the day. If you struggle with low or loss of appetite, cannabis could be just the thing for you. Cannabis is highly effective at stimulating appetite, helping you enjoy all your favorite foods on a regular basis.

Ease Aches and Pains

Cannabis has been used to soothe pain for at least 5000 years. Both cannabis and CBD contain gentle pain-relieving properties, but a purposeful dose of either CBD or  cannabis can relieve aches and pains.

Improved Social Experiences

Cannabis is the perfect substance to improve your social experiences because it helps you relax, boosts your mood, and makes you laugh. One of the most common ways to enhance your day with cannabis is to enjoy your favorite product with a friend.

Improved Sleep  

The best way to enhance your day with cannabis is to get a great night of sleep. Studies show sleep deprivation and stress go hand and hand. Sleep deprivation can impact your endocannabinoid system making you feel more stressed out. And stress can negatively impact your sleep quality. Cannabis products help people sleep better and longer. One of the main reasons people use cannabis for sleep as it helps them fall asleep faster. Many people find products high in CBD, CBN, or THC are highly effective at improving their sleep. You can experiment with different products or cannabinoids (and record your experiences on the Jointly app) to find out which combination works best for you.

RELATED: Is Marijuana A Depressant?

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Reduced Stress  

A cannabis-infused bath is a great way to combat daily stress. Your body will soak in the cannabinoids while your mind unwinds. As we discussed in cannabis ingestion methods, topical THC products won’t get you high. However, topical cannabinoids may help you relieve mild aches and pains, not to mention help you relax at the end of a stressful day.

Boost Creativity

In small amounts, cannabis can enhance your creativity due to its ability to alter blood flow to the brain. Specifically, cannabis consumption is associated with increased blood flow to the frontal lobes of the brain. The frontal lobes are thought to be the center for creativity and divergent thinking.

8. Improved Work Efficiency

With all the busyness of daily life, an efficient work stream may be one of your top priorities. While you may not associate cannabis with improved work efficiency, many people use cannabis for energy. Additionally, CBD products can help you smash your goals, keeping you energized and focused until everything is complete.

RELATED: Forgo The Wake And Bake — And 4 Other Cannabis Productivity Hacks

weed laptop
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Enhanced Meditation Sessions

Meditating is a great way to clear our mind so we can be more present in our daily lives and with our loved ones. Meditation is also linked with other positive benefits like promoting concentration and elevating mood. Try meditating while high to supercharge your meditation sessions.

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Cannabinoids, diet & metabolism: The science linking food, hunger & cannabinoids




You really are what you eat, Leafly reader. We know that after you smoke weed, you will eat more in the moment—but as it turns out, you won’t necessarily gain weight in the long-run. Hey, the neuroscience of hunger and weed is complicated. Just in time for turkey day, Leafly’s Nick Jikomes, PhD, provides dietary tips for mind and body, as well as how cannabis fits in.

‘Mind & Matter’ is a column by Nick Jikomes, PhD, Leafly’s Director of Science & Innovation and creator of the Mind & Matter podcast. Disclaimer: none of this content is medical advice.

One of the most famous and well-known effects of cannabis is “the munchies.” THC can cause food to taste better and motivates us to eat highly palatable (tasty), calorie-rich foods. This effect comes from THC stimulating CB1 receptors in the brain, an effect seen across many species. Endogenous cannabinoids—important fat-like signaling molecules in the body—have a similar effect: higher overall levels of endocannabinoids are associated with increased feeding and weight gain, and injecting endocannabinoids into specific regions of the brain stimulates food intake.

The endocannabinoid system regulates whole-body metabolism, not just eating per se. Cannabinoids regulate many aspects of metabolism via the CB1 receptor, the same receptor THC engages to produce the psychoactive effects of marijuana. The metabolic effects of cannabinoids include fat synthesis in the liver, insulin secretion by the pancreas, and the use of sugar by muscles. In general, research indicates that increased stimulation of the endocannabinoid system through CB1 receptors mobilizes the body’s tissues to accumulate energy reserves. Basically, greater activation of CB1 receptors (read, consuming THC) tells the body to consume calories and store them up for later use. 

Fat cells in the body also express CB1 receptors. Cannabinoids can therefore directly influence body fat, often enhancing fat storage. There is a strong correlation between visceral fat and endocannabinoid levels in the body, and excessively high levels of endogenous cannabinoids are associated with diet-induced obesity and poor metabolic health.


How to stop the munchies when you’re high

Cannabinoid receptors are also expressed in key metabolic organs like the liver. Consuming cannabinoids such as THC, or changing your endocannabinoid levels via diet (more on that below), causes more than psychoactive effects in the brain; they influence not just your propensity to eat, but how your body utilizes what you consume.

Cannabinoids also influence gut-brain interactions via the microbiome, a new and active area of research. To learn more, check out my conversation with microbiologist Dr. Christoph Thaiss:

In general, stimulation of CB1 receptors by cannabinoids tends to have these metabolic effects in the short-term:

  • Increased food intake
  • Increased lipogenesis (fat synthesis) in the liver
  • Increased insulin secretion by the pancreas
  • Increased nutrient absorption by the GI tract
  • Increased glucose metabolism in muscle
  • Accumulation of fat in adipose tissue

A less commonly talked about subject is how diet itself, especially fat content, influences the endocannabinoid system. 

How diet influences endocannabinoids: Omega-3 vs omega-6 fats 

Cannabinoids don’t just influence our hunger levels and food cravings; what we eat influences endogenous cannabinoids within our bodies. Endocannabinoids are small, fatty molecules made from linoleic acid, an essential omega-6 fatty acid. We have to eat essential fatty acids via diet because our bodies don’t produce them.

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Because endocannabinoids are derived from omega-6 fats, a diet higher in omega-6 content tends to result in higher endocannabinoid levels. The typical “Western diet” contains excessively high levels of omega-6 fats and low levels of another essential fatty acid, omega-3s, which are associated with elevated endocannabinoid levels.

The composition of Western diets has been changing for centuries. Compared to our Paleolithic ancestors, modern people have been getting more of their calories from fat. Since the early 1900s, dietary fat composition has dramatically changed. Increases in production of soybean and seed oils have driven large increases in consumption of omega-6-rich fats, paralleled by reductions in animal fats (e.g. butter, lard), which tend to be higher in other fat types.

The obesity epidemic emerged in Westernized countries around the 1980s. Since then, fat consumption has peaked or even declined somewhat, but with the continued trend of increases in omega-6 fat consumption. Today, Americans routinely consume omega-6 and omega-3 fats at a ratio of 20:1 or higher. For most of human prehistory, this ratio was closer to 1:1.

Omega-6 fats are common in processed foods and anything cooked or produced using cheap vegetable and seed oils, which are often high in linoleic acid.

Changes in the balance of dietary omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids have links to a variety of consequential health outcomes. In general, diets very high in omega-6 fats and low in omega-3s are associated with greater systemic inflammation, fat accumulation and obesity, and insulin resistance–poor metabolic health.

Since endocannabinoids generally stimulate food intake, elevated endocannabinoid levels resulting from a high omega-6 fat diet would then increase feeding. It’s easy to see how a vicious cycle could form: a high omega-6 diet leads to weight gain and poor overall metabolic health, which elevates endocannabinoid levels and stimulates further food intake. Not good. 

Making dietary changes

To promote better metabolic health, you may need to reduce your omega-6 and increase omega-3 intake. Omega-6 fats are common in processed foods and anything cooked or produced using cheap vegetable and seed oils, which are often high in linoleic acid. Avoid using cooking oils like grapeseed, sesame, and sunflower oil when preparing meals, and minimize processed food consumption. 

Eating omega-3-rich foods, by comparison, can help maintain healthy endocannabinoid function in the brain. Foods high in omega-3s include various seafoods (e.g. salmon, oysters), chia seeds, and walnuts. Fresh, cold-water marine animals have the highest omega-3 content.

Endocannabinoids are critical for proper brain functions like neuroplasticity. In animals, omega-3 deficiency can abolish forms of neuroplasticity which depend on endocannabinoids, and low levels of omega-3 are linked to numerous psychiatric diseases


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Here’s a summary of the key points around how dietary fat influences endocannabinoid levels and metabolic health:

  • Endocannabinoids are produced from omega-6 fats. Diets high in omega-6 fatty acids increase endocannabinoid levels.
  • A high omega-6 fat diet is characteristic of the typical Western diet, and has correlations with high endocannabinoid levels, weight gain, inflammation, and poor metabolic health.
  • Omega-3 fats are critical for endocannabinoid function in the brain. Diets deficient in omega-3s can lead to deficits in endocannabinoid-related brain function.
  • A diet with balanced levels of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids is generally desirable.

So why is chronic THC exposure associated with weight loss, not weight gain?

Acute cannabis consumption stimulates appetite and eating (“the munchies”), due to THC activating the CB1 receptor, the same receptor endocannabinoids activate to drive eating. National surveys, however, have found a lower prevalence of obesity in cannabis users compared to non-users. Why would chronic cannabis use be associated with lower rates of obesity if cannabinoids like THC stimulate eating? 

One explanation is that the association between cannabis use and lower obesity rates is not real.

It may be that these simple surveys cannot adequately control for all relevant variables. To assess whether correlations like this might represent a real relationship, cause-and-effect experiments in rodents where diet and THC consumption are controlled indicate that chronic THC consumption actually protects against weight gain. In rodents with diet-induced obesity, chronic THC exposure leads to less weight and fat mass gain, as well as lower energy intake. This effect may come, in part, from alterations to the gut microbiome.

To learn more about the relationship between THC consumption, feeding, and weight gain, see my conversation with Dr. Saoirse O’Sullivan: 

Rodents aren’t humans, of course, but cannabis research on humans faces a mountain of regulatory, funding and clinical barriers. Assuming the link between chronic THC consumption and lower rates of obesity holds true in humans, how can we explain this? 

One theory is tolerance. Chronic THC exposure likely leads to a decrease in the number of CB1 receptors on neurons, or a decrease in their sensitivity. This would leave fewer CB1 receptors available for stimulation by endogenous cannabinoids. Because increases in CB1 activation lead to feeding and weight gain, fewer CB1 receptors might result in less overall CB1 activation and therefore lower levels of feeding (except with strong CB1 activation by consumption of high levels of THC). 


Does weed make you lose weight?

If chronic cannabis stimulation of CB1 receptors leads to weight gain, shouldn’t drugs with the opposite effect on CB1 receptors have the opposite effect (weight loss)? This was exactly the thinking behind Rimonabant, an anti-obesity drug developed in the 2000s with the opposite effect on CB1 receptors as THC and endocannabinoids. 

Rimonabant had the intended primary effect of facilitating weight loss in obese patients, but it was pulled from the market due to the prevalence of severe side effects. It caused depression or mood alterations in ~10% of patients, suicidal ideation in ~1%, and nauseas and respiratory tract infections in >10%. Other common side effects included gastroenteritis (infectious diarrhea), anxiety, irritability, sleep disturbances, and more.

Why? Because the endocannabinoid system is a whole-body system and CB1 receptors are found in diverse tissues throughout the body. A drug that blocks CB1 receptors will usually block them everywhere. This will affect all of the related biology, not just the specific piece we want to change.

The nutrients we consume as fuel also act as signaling molecules that influence cell function.

A far safer alternative to pharmaceuticals is proactive management of your diet. Food is not simply calories. The nutrients we consume as fuel also act as signaling molecules that influence cell function. As with endogenous cannabinoids, macronutrients like fat help facilitate critical messengers in the body that orchestrate how we process what we consume—a gram of fat from one source can have very different metabolic effect than a gram of fat from another. Furthermore, many drugs and foods affect key liver enzymes, which metabolize a wide range of other substances.

Actively managing your metabolic health by tracking nutrients takes time, effort, and willpower. Processed foods, such as omega-6-rich cooking oils, are cheaper and easier to acquire than alternatives, but they interfere with the body’s natural satiety mechanisms. They also have economic incentives to lack true satiation. It’s in the food processor’s interest for you to finish your bag of chips quickly, stay hungry, and then buy another.

Armies of industry food scientists have worked for years to come up with clever ways of hacking our biology. This can lead to eating beyond your body’s true caloric and nutritive needs, costing you not only your health but an enormous amount of lifetime dollars; besides more costly grocery runs, people with obesity have significantly higher medical costs.

What you consume, including both food and drugs, influences who you become. This is not just flowery language: you are physically built from what you consume, and what you consume influences how your body uses the building blocks you provide to it. Choose wisely.

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Cannabis Can Help You With Stress




Government shutdown, election nonsense, the end of summer, the news if full of all sorts of negative information. Plus, autumn is here along with cuffing season, the  time of year where many short-term relationships happen. It usually begins in the fall around October and ending in the spring around April—so there’s time to get cuffed and uncuffed. And while a short-term relationship which expires with spring, swimsuits and sunbathing may sound odd, some love it. It provides a cozy atmosphere and cuddle buddy for the long dark months and the holiday season.  Cannabis can help you with stress of news, searches and just life in general.

While marijuana can be a great escape mechanism, it can also be a constructive way of grounding yourself in the present and curbing other coping mechanisms that are more harmful.

It can curb your drinking

boozy parents
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Fall starts up many social events with work and family life.  The darker evenings give us a free pass to drink earlier every day. While drinking might help you feel better in the short term, marijuana might play a more effective role in the long term, eliminating hangovers, treating your body more kindly and preventing sad drunken episodes. Next time you feel yourself itching to reach for that bottle of wine or that whisky you’ve been saving for a special occasion (the end of the world counts), reach for an edible instead. Your body can tell the difference.

It can help you eat

Cannabis Cravings- A New Study Addresses Why It Happens
Photo by Ogo via Pexels

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If you’re someone who feels anxiety in the pit of your stomach, hindering the desire to eat, marijuana might help; THC, the psychoactive component in marijuana, has been shown to stimulate appetite.

According to a 2015 Yale study, neurons in the brain that are normally involved in suppressing appetite were being tricked by THC. Lead author Tamas Horvath of the study explains it this way:

“It’s like pressing a car’s brakes and accelerating instead. We were surprised to find that the neurons we thought were responsible for shutting down eating, were suddenly being activated and promoting hunger, even when you are full. It fools the brain’s central feeding system.”

The government agrees it is a way to help you overcome anxiety and move toward a normal eating pattern.

It can help you feel more present

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Marijuana is an interesting compound; while it makes a lot of people feel good, it also makes a lot of people feel paranoid.  Manage your intake and have a talk with your budtender. As long as you keep an eye on your dosage, you’re likely to avoid bad reactions. Marijuana can help you have engaging conversations with friends, enjoy the outdoors , or help you get lost in a video game, book or movie. When used correctly, it’ll rein in your brain when it feels like going to the doom and gloom place.

If you’ve had bad experiences with marijuana, try to remember what happened that day that triggered it. Was it the strain? Was it your mood? Were you with people who triggered you? Keep in mind these variables whenever you’re planning on toking up and limit your amount of stressors. Start off slow, preferably with something you’ve tried before and increase or experiment as you go.

Manage anxiety

How Does Marijuana Influence Your Anxiety?
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The right strain and dosage of marijuana can help you relax — something you might be needing after the very intense week we’ve all had. Consider the method of consumption: If you’re having an edible, be patient and eat it during the earlier. If you’re smoking, pace yourself through the night and keep yourself hydrated. The idea is to relax, not to knock yourself out. Unless that’s what you want, in which case, go for it.

Much needed sleep

5 Things You Can Do When You Can't Sleep
Photo by Kinga Cichewicz via Unsplash

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Perhaps the most common ailment affecting many of us is insomnia. After a week of staying up and watching the news, it might be difficult to get back to your normal sleep schedule. While marijuana can do a lot of the work for you, another thing you can use to your advantage is devising a sleep routine and avoiding screens while in bed. Difficult, but not impossible. Here are 5 more tips to help you fall asleep faster.

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