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Can CBD Help You Quit Cigarettes



New Year, new you – everyone attempt to do a personal make-over with resolutions.  The most popular include:

  • Improve fitness.
  • Improve finances.
  • Lose weight
  • Make more time for loved ones
  • Stop smoking

The 5th one is very common, since millions still smoke cigarettes, unfortunately it is also one of the hardest to keep. Tobacco is one of the top causes of heart disease and cancer and causes a variety of lung ailments. In the U.S. alone, more than 40 million adults have a nicotine addiction. Worse yet, tobacco addiction therapies don’t seem to be efficient, for the most part.

Smoking cessation drugs don’t bring assured results in the long run. But there is a promising solution to this problem. CBD (cannabidiol) is an active ingredient derived from the hemp plant and widely used for medical purposes today. So can it cope with tobacco addiction? How to quit smoking cigarettes with the help of CBD oil? Read further to find all this out.

Is CBD Addictive?

As most of us know, smoking marijuana leads to addiction. Is CBD addictive then? In reality, it’s not. Cannabidiol belongs to non-toxic cannabis ingredients and doesn’t alter your brain function. Therefore, you can’t develop a CBD addiction. Additionally, cannabidiol can alleviate the psychoactive effects of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), which is the main active ingredient of recreational marijuana.

How CBD Helps You Quit Smoking

woman holding cosmetic drop bottle
Photo by Michal Wozniak via Unsplash

1. CBD Battles Tobacco Withdrawal Symptoms

Nicotine is as addictive as hard drugs like cocaine. That’s why it’s so hard to quit smoking. Once you try to cease this deadly habit, you will face an almost impenetrable barrier of withdrawal symptoms. It’s not just the urge for another cigarette. Tobacco withdrawal develops within several days and involves headaches, increased appetite and irritability, anxiety, insomnia, high blood pressure, and depression.

The worst part is that you may feel this nightmare for weeks. If it was easy to withstand this period, smoking would not become a global concern.

So how can CBD help you overcome nicotine addiction? The matter is that CBD regulates the sleep/wake cycle, pain, mood, and satiety. It combats headaches, promotes restful sleep, and regulates blood pressure. Given that, CBD can relieve some physical symptoms of nicotine withdrawal, helping you get through this period without much struggle.

2. CBD Cigarettes Can Ease Tobacco Cravings

You pull out a cigarette from the pack, light it, and take a peaceful, long, and warm puff. You have been doing this for years, day after day. Stopping this is unimaginable: this ritual is engraved in your mind. It’s a part of your identity. But you could try a CBD cigarette instead of a regular one if you feel a desperate urge to smoke. It can become your first step toward overcoming tobacco addiction. Additionally, CBD prevents most nicotine withdrawal symptoms from devastating your body and mind.

Therefore, you can preserve the smoking habit while replacing regular cigarettes with a much healthier alternative. It’s much easier to quit smoking this way than just bring a sudden drastic change to your routine.

Photo by Irina Kostenich via Unsplash

3. CBD Helps You Relax

Cannabidiol has evident, well-studied anxiolytic properties. Both animal and human studies show that CBD reduces anxiety equally to diazepam, a common sedative drug. For instance, CBD brings relief to people with public speaking anxiety. Also, cannabidiol shows immense efficiency against post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

All in all, it’s a powerful stress-relieving supplement that will help you cope with panic attacks and depression resulting from smoking cessation.

4. CBD Reduces Cigarette Consumption

Researchers revealed a direct dependence between CBD intake and cigarette consumption. Thus, a study showed that tobacco-dependent individuals reduced cigarette consumption by an impressive 40% while taking CBD. Furthermore, CBD minimizes the pleasure of smoking cigarettes. In other words, nicotine won’t give you that pleasure if you take CBD.

Another study has shown smokers who took CBD felt less motivated to smoke cigarettes.

Under this trial, 30 smokers took 800 mg of CBD after overnight cigarette abstinence. The participants reported that they felt less pleasure from watching other people smoking. In other words, it was easier for the participants to ignore cigarette stimuli.

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As for cigarette cravings and withdrawal, there was no significant difference between CBD and placebo treatment whatsoever.

However, researchers investigated short smoking abstinence periods (11 hours). It’s an insufficient time for the most physical nicotine withdrawal symptoms to occur. It might be a possible reason for such observations on CBD efficiency against tobacco withdrawal within this study.

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How to Take CBD for Tobacco Addiction

So, as we’ve found out, CBD helps you quit smoking. But how to take cannabidiol to overcome nicotine addiction? Here’s a step-by-step guide:

Choose High-Quality Products

There is one rule you should always follow: buy CBD cigarettes, tinctures, vape oils, and other products from reliable and reputable brands. For this, you have to check:

  • The THC content in each product. It must be less than 0.3%.
  • The hemp source. Prioritize brands with in-house hemp fields in the US or Western Europe.
  • Certifications and drug tests. It’s always better to choose certified products that meet the US hemp cultivation standards and undergo regular third-party lab tests.

Adjust CBD Doses Gradually

‘How much CBD should I take to combat my tobacco addiction?’, you may ask. The accurate dosage depends on your metabolism, weight, and the intensity of cigarette withdrawal complications like headaches, poor sleep, high blood pressure, etc.

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Thus, you should consult your practitioner to decide on the initial dose and increase it slowly for better results. You can start with 12-15 mg of CBD per day to see how your body reacts to cannabidiol. If such a dose works fine for you, you can begin taking more CBD to reduce salience of cigarette stimuli.

CBD can become a viable solution for cigarette quitters. First, cannabidiol fights several tobacco withdrawal symptoms like anxiety, insomnia, headaches, and high blood pressure. Second, it helps you ignore cigarette cues. Third, CBD cigarettes can become a temporary healthy alternative to regular cigarettes on your way to smoking cessation.

Finally, CBD reduces stress, helping you cope with the emotional pressure. Given that, CBD is your option to break the suffocating chains of addiction and breathe freely in all senses of this word.

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Off To The Horse Races With Cannabis




House racing is highly popular sports with over 45,000 races run in the US and Canada last year.  The Kentucky Derby is the pinnacle of horse racing in North America, but most major metro hubs have some type of opportunity. Globally it is a $400 billion industry with tens of millions of people watching. But are they off to the horse races with cannabis?

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The biggest horse racing party is the Kentucky Derby and the Infield (the area inside the track) is a huge one with beer trucks, Mardi Gras bead shenanigans, and maybe a little whiff of weed.  While Churchill Downs, where the race is run, bans all smoking, vapes, gummies and more make the way in. The same is true across the realm.  But what about those in the race?

The signature beverage of the Kentucky Derby is the Mint Julep

Horse racing is an intense activity for the animal, and increasingly, horse owners are adapting human products (either medical marijuana or hemp) for their athletes.  Recovery, hydration, inflammation and pain management are all benefits for the horse if done with the correct dosage.  Additionally, it is seen as a potential for calming a horse.

Like the human mass market, CBD is leading the way. But the efficacy and safety of some products is questionable, due to very little research and supervision. Until the passage of the 2018 Farm Act, it was illegal to possess or conduct research on hemp as well as marijuana. Like the NFL, owners should be aware CBD and THC cannot be used in when competing, and if CBD shows up on a drug test that horse may be disqualified.

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With rescheduling, there should be more research done regarding CBD and THC’s benefits to animals, especially pets and horses. Before administering CBD to horses, horse owners should first consult with a veterinarian.

Additionally, jockeys are banned from using cannabis while racing. This falls inline with the current global sports guidelines.  CBD has been used in helping with recovery, but it can not be used prior to the race, especially if you are looking at winning.

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Can CBD Oils Help With Anxiety & Depression




War, relationships, political news, work at home or office, all adding to the stress of life.  For some, they can manage it and move forward, for others, it can be a pit of sadness…but most it seems experience anxiety and depression at some point. In a surprise, the Census Bureau’s Household Pulse Survey finds  half (50%) of adults ages 18-24 reported anxiety and depression symptoms. It can causes sleep deprivation, loss of energy, and high blood pressure and general uneasiness.

It is tough to deal with it while maintain your life. It is always good to talk to a trained medical professional and there are prescriptions, but can CBD oils help with anxiety & depression?

california's absurd stance on CBD cosmetics
Photo by Anshu A via Unsplash

What Is CBD?

Cannabidiol(CBD) can be extracted from cannabis plants, marijuana leaves, and hemp flowers. CBD products act as a natural remedy.  By consuming or using this product you will not get high or have any psychotic reaction. Numerous studies have been carried out on different products of CBD and a quality check has also been approved by the FDA.

Reports say that CBD has less than 0.3 % THC, which is very safe than a lot of other drugs and pills that are taken for mental health.

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CBD products are now legally consumed and distributed in many states and countries. The list includes countries like German, Canada, Denmark, Sweden, The USA & The UK.

Just like different brands of marijuana, there are also various brands of CBD oils available.

In the USA you can only use CBD products for medical purposes. It has to be prescribed by a licensed doctor for you to buy and consume it.

If your state has legalized the sale and consumption of cannabis products then it will be easier to find CBD oils in some particular cannabis clinics, shops, and online stores like CBD Oil Uk.

The Difference Between Stress And Anxiety

Stress is a short-term ailment that can happen regularly or once in a while and does not cause any serious damages. Besides, it can be managed easily.

If you face problems like frustration, exhaustion, muscle pain, digestive issues, and difficulty sleeping frequently then it is likely you are dealing with stress.

Anxiety is more severe than stress. It can not be alleviated easily. Instead, it is considered as non-stop excessive worry and fear even when everything is perfectly fine in your life.

Anxiety leads to a set of symptoms that are almost identical to stress but very serious. These include insomnia, difficulty in concentration, fatigue, and muscle tension.

It is important to differentiate the signs of stress and anxiety. Stress is a common cause of anxiety and to avoid anxiety symptoms, it is important to catch them early.

person holding amber glass bottle
Photo by Christin Hume via Unsplash

How CBD Products Can Help

Here are 4 ways CBD products can help reduce anxiety and depression-

1.CBD Improves Your Sleep Cycle

People suffering from anxiety often complain about the lack of sleep.

Excessive anxiety often interrupts your sleep cycle and lack of sleep can, in turn, result in more anxiety.

CBD has claimed to reduce anxiety levels. It has even shown positive results in clinical trials that is why the FDA has approved CBD in the first place.

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CBD helps calm our minds and increases the chances of falling asleep naturally and without any disruption.

Also, studies have proven that little extra dosage of CBD creates a sedative effect on your body and helps to sleep and lets your brain rest. CBD products are now used to treat people with insomnia as well.

2.CBD Reduces Pain & Inflammation

Earlier we have discussed that stress and anxiety can cause muscle pain, headaches, and chronic inflammation.

CBD products are completely natural. The products have been proven to be a muscle relaxant and work better than any standard painkillers since it has no side effects.

CBD also works as anti-inflammatory drugs. It controls cytokine production which is generally responsible for various inflammatory diseases in our body.

This increased inflammation is also connected to higher levels of anxiety. Just like sleep and anxiety, this one is also a chain reaction.

Inflammatory diseases like psoriasis and arthritis can cause depression and anxiety in the long run. CBD oil helps to reduce inflammation and pain by reducing cytokine and affecting CB-2 receptors. This reduces pain and decreases the chance of getting an anxiety attack.

3. CBD improves mood

CBD is considered as a “Neuroprotective” material. “Neuroprotective” actually means it will protect nerve cells by keeping a safe functioning state of the nervous system.

Moreover, it decreases the oxidative stress of your brain.

By keeping your negative emotions in check, CBD helps you to improve your mood and keeps your brain calm and relaxed. It reduces unnecessary stress and anxiety.

4. CBD Helps Enhance Metabolism

If you have a poor digestive and metabolism system, it will affect your quality of life.

It will make you feel bloated and lethargic. Illness disrupts the natural functioning of your body and if it becomes more serious it causes stress and ultimately, leads to anxiety.

If you start consuming CBD regularly, it will improve your metabolism, burn unnecessary fat, and make you feel better.

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How To Choose CBD Products

CBD has various types of products in the market including oil, tablets, edibles, beverages, creams, and vape. Although the overall vape sales slowed down during this year. Things are starting to look better.

But still, the CBD oils are the most popular ones by a large margin. Each of the types provides almost the same benefits with some unique advantages of their own.  CBD oils have to be consumed daily and provide the most health benefits. They are also the most concentrated ones.  CBD gummies are sweet and take a long time to take effect. CBD lotions are best for exterior physical discomfort.

Depending on your medical condition, you should consult with a healthcare professional who has experience with CBD to choose the right product.


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Can CBD Help With An Overactive Bladder




From watching a movie, going to live sports or performances to car trip, the frequent need to go can disrupt day to day life in big and little ways. Over 33 million Canadians and Americans live with overactive bladder disease (OAB).  While not as life-threating as other issues, it can make like miserable.  Having OAB, or spastic bladder, is so big over $3 billion is spent annually trying to help those who suffer. The two key medicines often prescribed have rough side effects, so can CBD help with an overactive bladder?

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Symptoms include frequent urination (8+ times in 24 hours) and a a sudden hard to control urge to go.  Another is getting up more than twice in the night to head to the bathroom. It is normal to go once a night in your 40s and 50s, twice a night in your 60s and 70s and even two to three times a night in your 80s and beyond. But waking up too often in the night can keep you from getting enough sleep and is sometimes a sign of a health condition.

Photo by Anderson Rian via Unsplash

CBD can help in certain situations.  Aside from the natural aging process, causes of OAB including menopause, an enlarged prostate, neurologic disease and smoking.  Short term causes can include drinking too many fluids, caffeine, and spicy foods.  CBD can help in some of the root issues.

CBD can have an impact on the signals between your brain and bladder. If it’s a signaling disconnect (neurologic) causing the detrusor muscle to spasm and contract erratically, cannabinoids may help reduce the number of misfires that make your bladder run on overdrive.

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Researchers have found the body has receptors for the cannabinoids CB1 and CB2 in the brain and bladder, as well as in other parts of the body. CB1, and to a lesser extent CB2, work at various levels on the detrusor muscles. Research is pointing toward the conclusion that CB1 receptors do have an impact on urination, and their manipulation with cannabinoids from marijuana has promise for treating OAB.

CBD can help regulate the body’s inflammatory response and reduce neuroinflammation, thus reducing the need to go. Neuroinflammation, in particular, is associated with multiple sclerosis (MS) and Parkinson’s disease. These conditions can involve an increased risk of overactive bladder.

It is always wise to work with a trained health care provider on frequency and dosage amounts.

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