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How A Monk Broke A Pane Of Glass With A Needle




Faith can make help you do amazing things, even maybe defy science.  With training, focus, and faith – incredible things happen. Here is how a monk broke a pane of glass with a needle and maybe a bit more.

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In a shocking video from Youtube channel The Slow Mo Guys, Feng Fei, a Shaolin monk, demonstrates his unique and awesome skill of making a needle go through a pane of glass, bursting the balloon that was sitting behind it.

The glass pane doesn’t burst into pieces like you’d expect, it’s more complex than that. The monk gathers the necessary focus and energy to throw the needle at the right speed and at the right place so that it can dent the glass pane and burst the balloon lying closely behind.

According to Livescience, while the slow mo video looks amazing, it’s an even more incredible feat when you know the particles that make up glass and that make it such a complex object.

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According to physicists from Cornell University, glass is an extremely powerful object until it cracks, when it becomes very easy to break. They believe that the trick lies in the strength and precision in which you throw the needle, knowing exactly where to hit so the glass pane can crack. Once this happens, the rest is very easy.

The Shaolin Monastery (少林寺; shǎolínsì), also known as Shaolin Temple, is a renowned monastic institution recognized as the birthplace of Chan Buddhism and the cradle of Shaolin Kung Fu. It is located at the foot of Wuru Peak of the Songshan mountain range in Dengfeng County, Henan Province, China. The name reflects its location in the ancient grove. of Mount Shaoshi, in the hinterland of the Songshan mountains.

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Ben Affleck

4 Ways Marijuana Can Help In A Messy Break Up




Breakups are tough and miserable – even if you are a celebrity.  But there are ways marijuana can help!

The buzz in the celebrity world is about the breakup of Beniffer – Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck. It has dominated the news, but it reflects everyone’s journey in relationships.  Almost everyone suffers a miserable breakup in their life. The ending of relationship doesn’t  always have a logical reason or comes in a methodical planned way, it is usually messy, emotional and draining for a while. And it can lay heavy on someone’s mind and heart. One bright note is there are 4 ways marijuana can help in a messy break up.

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Breakups can upend a life. Hurt, grief, and a sense of failure when a relationship ends is common. It often mean a big change in your daily routine, which can feel overwhelming and a constant reminder of the loss. Weight gain and lack of good sleep can also be part of the after effects.  But, in the right dose and intention, marijuana can help you through.

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The first way to help is with sleep, with 35-45% increased odds of insomnia symptoms this is key. A good night dozing can help with a tough day of change. So, it is critical to nip long term disruptions it in the bud. Research studies have shown, with the correct dosage, marijuana may have an overall positive effect on maintaining sleep.

The second way is to help with anxiety. Big change causes makes people anxious, the loss of a person you care about, sometimes identity gets wrapped up in the “we” of a relationship, causing a disruption on self perception. Time is the best way and most natural way to heal. But THC appears to decrease anxiety at lower doses. Work with a healthy professional to a figure out a plan to get you to a more positive place.

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The third is to reeducation of alcohol consumption. Drinking too much after a breakup is unfortunately common, as the feelings of control alcohol provides can feel euphoric for a short period. But both physical and mentally it is not good. Light marijuana usage can relax you and put you in a better state of mind without hangovers, drunk texting and more.

The last way is personal health.  While it is hard in the middle of a breakup to look ahead, marijuana can help you with looking good for the future.  While the myth is stoners are lazy, couch potatoes eating…cannabis can get you moving. Like dopamine, it allows us to feel a sense of pleasure and reward, which has the effect of motivating us. Consuming a sativa strain can help you get out of bed and move which could include a workout!

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Science Confirms It Is Important And Marijuana Helps It




The old saying is laughter in the best medicine – science proves it and marijuana helps make it happen.

Nothing changes you mentally and physically than a solid belly laugh. Spending time chuckling lifts you up and science confirms it is good for you. Studies confirm laughter is good for you and has a clear impact on the physical and mental state of mind.  For some people, and at times most people, laughter doesn’t come near enough. Science confirms it is important and marijuana helps it come more naturally.

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The good thing with laughter is it has short and long term benefits.  Some of the immediate perks includes the cooling down your stress response resulting ingood, relaxed feeling and lower blood pressure. This also stimulates circulation and aids muscle relaxation, both of which can help reduce some of the physical symptoms of stress.

Longer term effects are even more beneficial.  Negative thoughts manifest into chemical reactions that can affect your body by bringing more stress into your system and decreasing your immunity. By contrast, positive thoughts can actually release neuropeptides that help fight stress and potentially more-serious illnesses.

Laughter may ease pain by causing the body to produce its own natural painkillers.  Additionally many people experience depression, sometimes due to chronic illnesses. Laughter can help lessen your stress, depression and anxiety and may make you feel happier.

The “imagine” of stoners usually involve laughing and giggling. THC, the primary psychoactive cannabinoid found in cannabis plants, can increase dopamine transmission. The boost in dopamine production increase the euphoric and happy feeling, leading to spontaneous and robust laughter sessions.

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Spontaneous laughter differs significantly from self-induced laughter. The former refers to “genuine” or unforced laughter, often in response to a stimulus, whereas the latter describes laughter that is simulated de novo. Spontaneous laughter is often associated with positive mood, whereas simulated laughter is primarily physical and is not necessarily associated with positive emotions or feelings.


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Couples Using Cannabis Can Increase Intimacy




The Karma Sutra shares a wide variety of ways to enhance intimacy and sharing marijuana is one of them.

Marijuana has been part intimacy for over 1,000 years.  One of the key things about THC is is allows the mind to quiet and focus on the moment and sensations.  When it comes a romantic interlude, it makes it all more interesting and adds in a dollop of fun. A couple who use cannabis together can increase intimacy and their enjoyment.

Historically in India, marijuana was used extensively in sensual tantric rituals, yoga, and the intricate sexual positions of the most famous erotic handbook in history, the Kama Sutra.  It established the baseline for couples to enjoy them both!

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A Stanford study found people who used cannabis were having sex more frequently. It examined 50,000 Americans between the ages of 25 and 45, found a strong correlation between marijuana use and an uptick in the amount of sex they were having. Other studies around sexuality indicate cannabis as a way of improving sexual quality. Medical implications of this study include the possible use of cannabis for treating sexual dysfunctions, especially within women. Of course, this is more of a light high than a full blow session.

One study, Marijuana Use Episodes and Partner Intimacy Experiences, gives a look at the benefits of use. The 30 day study looks at 183 couples.  They were asked to rate their affection with their partner. It turned out that when couples used cannabis together they reported a higher rate of lovemaking, affection, and other signs of caring and support.

One way cannabis enhances intimacy is by reducing inhibitions and anxiety, leading to more open and honest communication between partners. While reducing the anxiety, it can also increase the playfulness….which is great if both are in the same mindset.

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Another way is the use of marijuana lube.  Products with THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) not only lubricate the genital area but may increase sex drive, sensation, and sexual pleasure.  They usually have other ingredients, such as coconut oil and tea tree oil.


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