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Can CBD Help Your Pet During a Loud Thunderstorm?




It is an El Niño year with more rough thunderstorms on the way.  The rolling black skies start threatening picnics, sporting events, days at the beach and outdoor weddings – and they can freak out your pets!

Pets and their owners share some traits when bad weather hits. The sound of thunder, the flashes of lightning or the roar of the winds can be unsettling and scary. Humans have multiple ways of coping with their fear, but pets have fewer options.

A reliable CBD might be an option for pets and human if they have storm anxiety.

white and brown cat lying on brown wooden floor

The marijuana plant has two main active ingredients — delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). THC is the substance responsible for the high people experience when they use marijuana. CBD, on the other hand, does not cause a high and studies suggest it has a range of potential health benefits. While more research needs to be done on the benefits and warnings, it has no known adverse side effects, and your pet should feel more relaxed and relieved. Marijuana can contain more than 30% THC, while hemp has less than 0.3% of this psychoactive substance, ensuring you are not sending your furry companion on an unexpected trip.

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Cats and dogs can use CBD oil can to improve their mood by activating the serotonin receptors in their brain, reducing their anxiety, and making them feel happier.

cannabis pets
Photo by Vanessa Nunes/Getty Images

Thunderstorm can be quick or last for a couple of hours, to receive the best benefit, they need to take the cbd about 30 minutes before the storm. The dose size will depend on what type of CBD you give them. Best to stick to CBD products design for pets. It is important to read the instructions before administering. They’ll tell you how many milligrams to give your dog per pound of body weight.

To give your dog CBD, add the right amount of CBD oil directly into your dog’s hard or soft food and mix. If you have multiple dogs, keep an eye on them while eating and prevent any food sharing to ensure each receives the right amount of CBD.

Cats don’t usually eat on demand. The two most effective ways to administer CBD for them are to use an oil and place directly on their gums or rubbed into their ears. These two areas are where the CBD is most easily absorbed into the blood stream

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When a human is feeling anxious, their dog picks up the signs of anxiety without fully understanding the stress. This can make the dog feel less secure and more anxious also. You might consider some trusted cbd to help you relax so you and your pets are all in the space.

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Is Marijuana At Passover Kosher




It is an important holiday with clear guidelines on celebrating – so is marijuana allowed.

It is one of the most important and celebrated holidays in the Jewish faith. The 7 day observation is filled with food, gatherings and traditions. Passover, or Pesach in Hebrew, commemorates the slavery of the Israelites in Egypt and their ultimate exodus to freedom. This story of redemption from slavery is the anchor narrative of the Jewish People.  It is core to their faith and lifestyle. With family and friends, some like to imbibe in something intoxicating.  There is kosher wine, so you might wonder, is marijuana at Passover kosher?

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Being kosher for food means it adheres to the dietary laws of the Jewish faith. Meats and dairy must adhere to a strict set of rules. Preparation has clear guidelines to ensure the faith’s laws and intentions are maintained. For all commercial products, this is usually a letter of kosher certification from a Rabbinic agency which designates the item as kosher. The letter of certification will indicate the pareve or dairy status of the product as well.

Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, widely considered the leading living ultra-Orthodox halachic authority, ruled marijuana is kosher for Passover and can be either eaten or smoked over the eight-day Jewish festival. Which means gummies (possible animal gelatin) and edibles (dairy) must be kosher certified to be considered. Flower and vapes are plants and in preparation do not touch either so they are good to consume.

Smart product companies will have the label on the package if you want gummies or edibles. Wana Brands product are kosher and have been certified by Whole Kosher Services, a company based in Houston.

Kosher approval symbols
Kosher approval symbols

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About 8 years ago, as Israel become a leader in cannabis innovation, Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky ruled t marijuana is, in fact, kosher. Allowing it to be consumed over the celebration of Passover for medicinal purposes. For some, being with family for eight days is enough to give anxiety, which medical marijuana is a way to ease the tension and make for a more relaxed holiday.


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American Journal of Medicine

Will Marijuana Help You Look Good In a Swimsuit




Summer is around the corner and already people in swimsuits are populating Insta, TicTok and more. Time to shake off the pale skin and start working on a tan while working to get rid of the holiday pounds. Winter helps you gain and not in a good way. The lack of sunlight in winter supports weight gain by keeping more fats in the body. Dark nights coupled with unfriendly weather can make you feel more fatigued and reduce activity.  The average addition is five to seven pounds.  But the good news is marijuana can help.

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You might think what? Doesn’t marijuana make you have the muchies and make you lazy?  Well, the “old school” thought is still around, but science is starting to say something else. A bit of a gummy or other marijuana before a workout can boost motivation and make exercise more enjoyable. If you are a casual, it can be a benefit. If performance is the goal, it may be best to skip. That’s the takeaway of the first ever study from the University of Colorado Boulder.

Another study published in the American Journal of Medicine, marijuana users are less likely than non-users to develop metabolic syndrome, which is a significant risk factor for obesity, type II diabetes, and heart disease. Among young adults, cannabis consumers are 54 percent less likely than non-consumers to present with metabolic syndrome. Past marijuana use is associated with lower odds of metabolic syndrome among middle-aged adults. And seniors who medicate with cannabis tend to be slimmer and less insulin-resistant than seniors who just say no.

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The munchies imagine is real, it is a scientifically proven phenomenon. But just like cannabis can give you the munchies, certain marijuana can be the anti-munchies. THC is a CB1 “agonist” that turns on the appetite receptor and causes it to signal. An “antagonist” will block the receptor and prevent it from signaling. Tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV), a minor but medically significant component of the cannabis plant, is a neutral CB1 receptor antagonist. Scientists have also synthesized “inverse agonists” that can activate a cannabinoid receptor and cause it to signal in the opposite manner from how it functions naturally. A CB1 inverse agonist will curb appetite and reduce food intake by binding to CB1 receptors, whereas THC boosts appetite and food intake by binding to CB1.

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And lastly, people have figured out marijuana is less fattening than alcohol. As the realization has taken effect, beer sales have dropped as people have reduce there suds intake for a gummy or vape – especially in the beginning of the week.

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Bell’s Palsy

Bell’s Palsy And Marijuana




It can be frightening when suddenly your face becomes paralyzed.   You freak out – but can medical marijuana help?

It is has been in the news and can be frightening, especially since it hits about 1 in 70 people. From a cure point of view, what is even more scary is the cause of it is unknown. It is thought to be due to swelling (inflammation) of the facial nerve in the area where it travels through the bones of the skull. Incidence peaks for people in the 40s, but is prevalent most in those under 10 and over 65. There isn’t a cure and recovery doesn’t start until about 2 weeks and can take up to 6 months to fully recover.  What about Bell’s palsy and marijuana – can it help, does it hurt?

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The illness usually comes on quickly and a key indicators is a mild weakness to total paralysis on one side of the face — occurring within hours to days.  This includes a facial droop with trouble making facial expressions, such as closing an eye or smiling. Pain around the jaw or ear on the side affected, drooling, loss of taste and a headache are other symptoms.  Seeking medical help as quickly as possible is key. A key treatment is an oral steroid or an antiviral medicine. Taken quickly upon onset improves the chave of a full recovery.

Photo by Julia Koblitz via Unsplash

Research has shown marijuana does not cause or lead to Bell’s palsy. Those with diabetes are more likely to have it.  Also, it seems there is a link to some viruses (shingles, mono, rubella, and mumps among them) which can induce the illness.

Research is still be done on the disease in general and very little has been done regarding if medical cannabis’s benefit’s can help with symptoms. Inflammation stands as the primary culprit behind Bell’s palsy symptoms and THC/CBD is anti-inflammatory. While this can be promising, studies need to be done regarding dosage and more. Additionally, cannabinoids and terpenes found in the cannabis plant promote improved nervous system health. So there are building blocks to help, but so far no hard data.

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Bell’s palsy is often marked by discomfort in various areas, such as the head, jaw, and behind the ear. Cannabis is well-suited for addressing this because it helps the body in pain management and timely reduction of pain signals. Always work with a health professional in regards to using medical marijuana for a treatment.

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